Chapter Nineteen

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Two months ago Laurent and I told eachother about how we felt. Since then, everyday I've found myself smiling more than usual. I wish my sister was here so I could tell her all about it. We use to tell eachother everything and she made me promise to her that I will tell her when I got my first boyfriend. Now, I can't do that... having to grow and live majority of my life without my mother and sister has been extremely hard. I think about that day more than I want to and it makes me hate myself so much.. unfortunately I can't dwell on the past, I have to move forward and keep going like I have been. On another note, I've had more conversations with LA, and I learned that his name is Larry. I have also learned that he's a drug dealer. If I'm being honest, I'd much rather for Laurent to be a drug dealer, but luckily he hasn't killed anyone lately. At least to my knowledge he hasn't. I overheard him telling Bobo that he has to leave for a few days, but he hasn't told me yet. I'm just wondering if he's going to tell me or if he's just going to up and leave like he usually does. Now that we've confessed our love, I feel that I will actually miss him. It feels so weird that I love someone and they really love me back. I've wanted this for so long, now that I finally got it, I don't know what to do. I don't know what's right and what's wrong, what should I say or not say... maybe I'm just overthinking again. My thoughts were stopped, luckily, by hands softly grabbing my sides and a soft kiss on my cheek. Turning around I meet Laurent's beautiful smile.

Laurent- What has you thinking so hard?

Me-Oh nothing..

Laurent-You know I can tell when you're lying...

I take a deep breath and play with the buttons on his shirt.

Laurent-Everything ok?

Me-Yeah, yeah it's'd tell me if I do or say something wrong, right?

He let out a sigh and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Laurent- Alex.. this is your first relationship, and my first real one... we're not going to know right away if something we said or did was wrong. We have to learn, don't overthink too much love.. but yes, if something you've said or done made me feel a certain way I will bring it to your attention.. and I would hope for you to do the same thing, ok?


He kisses me again, bringing a smile upon my face. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I hug him tightly. Laurent talks to me so gentle, and I love it so much. The way he talks to me and cares for me makes me so happy, and I feel like that's why I'm drawn to him cause he's so loving and patient with me.

Laurent-I love you

Me-I love you too

Laurent-So.. tonight I have to leave for a few days to Mexico.


Laurent-Yes.. Mael has me looking for a certain someone.

I let out a deep breath and he grabs my hands.

Me-Be careful.

Laurent-Trust, I will.

He places his hand on my cheek and gently rubs his thumb over it.

Laurent-Alexandria.. the moment I seen you, I wanted to quit.

Me-What do you mean?

Laurent-Stop being a hitman, so I could have a normal life.. with you.. I just have a few more things to do and I promise you I'm done.

Me-I can't let you do that.


Me-This was your life before me, I won't change that.. At least not now.. just as long as you're not killing kids.

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