Chapter Seventeen

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I've been tossing and turning all night, I can't blame it on my thoughts because I have a clear mind right now. Staring at the ceiling was getting boring so I had the idea to go get something small to eat from the kitchen. Even though it's unfortunate that I have to stay here, I do adore this kitchen. I wonder who does their grocery shopping, whoever it is has been slacking because the fridge is almost empty.  I see a carton of eggs so I guess I'll just make me some scrambled eggs. As I grab the carton, I close the refrigerator, turn around and see Laurent standing next to the dining room table with blood all over him. I dropped the eggs and screamed because he scared the shit out of me. With all that blood it must mean that he killed someone else. He quickly comes to me and puts his bloody hand over my mouth.

Laurent-Shh Alexandria calm down

Me-Get off of me

I place my hands on his stomach and push him as hard as I could. He banged his fist on the counter and crotches over.


Looking at my hands, I see that they are covered in blood and I start to panic.

Me-O-Oh my-

My breathing increased and it felt like I was about to pass out. Then, I look at him and realized that the blood was coming from him. The same spot that I pushed him in was soaking his shirt.

Me-I'm- I'm s-sorry

I say as tears continued to fall and he came closer to me.

Laurent-It's ok, just calm down for me.

Bobo came from the basement with this case, when he opened it there were all types of surgical tools. Anything that belonged in the hospital was in this case.

Laurent- Alex.. J'ai besoin que tu refermes ma blessure. (I need you to close my wound.)

Me-What?? No no no I can't- I don't know how-

Laurent-Hey hey, look at me.

He tilts my head up, but I keep my eyes closed.

Laurent- Alexandria, look at me.

Bobo- Alexandria he's bleeding out

Laurent- Bo outside.

He demanded. I hear the front door open and close, then I feel Laurent touch my neck.


Slowly I open my eyes and look up at him.

In this moment I just had a flashback to Mrs. Bourgeois telling me that I would be whatever they need me to be. And since I still work for them I have to suck it up and do it.

Laurent- You ok?

Me-Of course not

I take a deep breath, he hands me the case and takes off his shirt.

Me-Laurent this is really deep

Laurent- I know.. that's why I need you.

He grabs the kitchen towel, places it in his mouth then hands me the alcohol.


Laurent-Don't worry, pain is only temporary.

He puts the towel back in his mouth. As I pour the alcohol on the area he lets out a pain filled groan, that sent chills through me.

Me- I'm sorry I'm sorry

I say as I start to panic again, removing the towel from his mouth he grabs my hand.

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