Chapter Fifteen

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Same Night

This is not how I wanted Alexandria to find out about me. I haven't even told her how I feel about her, now I'm going to have to do some serious explaining if I want her to even look at me the same way she did before this.

Larry- Lynn t'a dit de lui dire, maintenant c'est trop tard. (Lynn told you to tell her, now it's too late.)

Me- Larry... s'il te plaît... ne m'énerve pas encore plus. (Larry... please.. don't piss me off even more.)

After I cleaned myself up, I went to the back house. I then see Alex laying in the bed, and there's no way she just fell asleep after seeing that.

Me- Je ne t'ai pas dit de droguer son putain d'idiot. (I didn't tell you to drug her fucking idiot.)

Bobo- Sinon, comment espériez-vous que je lui fasse comprendre ? (Well how else did you expect me to get her to comprehend?)

Thirty minutes later


I just woke up from a very horrifying dream, LO killed someone and all I could do was run for my life. Then someone put something over my mouth, causing me to black out. I don't even remember getting home, last thing I remember is.. wait.. I'm not home, looking around this isn't my place. I turn seeing Laurent talking to Bobo, then I come to the realization that it wasn't a dream. Everything was real and I do need to be afraid right now. I jump up and try to run out the door but Bobo stops me.

Laurent- Alexandria

He tries coming to me, I see a blood stain on his hand as reaches for me and I push his hand away from me.

Me- Don't.. touch me..

Laurent- Alexandria ple-

Me- No!

I'm shaking and crying so bad right now because I have no idea what he's going to do to me.

Me- Please..please let me go

Laurent- I'm sorry but I can't, please calm down.

Me- You expect me to calm down after I just watched you kill someone?!

Laurent- Let me explain!

I can't even look at him without seeing what just he just did. My heart is literally beating out of my chest and I still can't stop crying cause I'm so scared.

Laurent- Bo can you step outside.

Me- No please don't leave me in here with him.

He pinches his nose bridge and takes a deep breath. I refuse to be anywhere near him alone, there's no telling what he will do to me.

Laurent- If he stays will you listen to me?

Taking a step closer to me, I take a few steps back.

Me- Don't come near me..

He drops his head then looks back up at me.

Laurent- I didn't intend for this to happen.. like I didn't want you to find out this way.

Me- Find out what?

Laurent- Alex.. I work for Le Milieu.

My heart dropped and it feels like I'm going to throw up.

Me- W-What? You told me that I wasn't working for mafia members.

Laurent- You're not.. I am.. I'm their hitman.

I'm literally in disbelief right now.. he's a hitman? How could he not tell me this? I don't think I'm even able to fully process this..

Me- A hitman?

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