Chapter Five

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Today will be better than yesterday, it was my first day so of course I was nervous as hell. I'm actually just now pulling up, I'm early but better to be early than late again. There's not as many cars as yesterday so that's good, not as many people here. Since I'm here I might as well go in, rather than sit in my car that has no A/C while it's 92 degrees outside. As I'm let in I can't remember which side of the hall Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois office is on. Turning to the left I see that there is a door partially open. I decided to go down the hall and knock just to see if they are in there. Before my fist could touch the door, " If you're looking for my parents they've gone out for the morning." I turn around to LO, standing just a few feet away from me.

Laurent-Bonjour Alexandria

Me- Bonjour.. um, do you happen to know if Lynn is here yet?

Laurent-  En fait, Lynn ne sera pas là avant 10h, elle a des affaires à régler. (Actually, Lynn won't be here until 10am, she has some business to handle.)

Me- Oh... Eh bien, je suppose que je suis seul pendant un moment. (well I guess I'm by myself for a while.)

Laurent- Pas de soucis... mon frère et moi sommes là, avec les gardes. (No worries.. my brother and I are here, along with the guards.)

Me- Oh, I don't want to bother you guys, I'm sure you have a lot on your plate.

Laurent-Franchement, mon assiette est plutôt vide. (Quite frankly, my plate is pretty empty.)

He said with a smile, which was a very nice smile. Should I compliment him or would that be weird? Maybe I shouldn't, he might not like it or I might stutter on my words. So, it's best if I just keep it to myself.

Laurent- My father stated that yesterday was just your second day.

Me- Yes, yes it was.

Laurent- Well let me show you around I'm sure he showed you the basics.. mais en travaillant ici, vous devrez connaître les tenants et les aboutissants de chaque pièce de la maison. (but working here you're going to need to know the ins and outs of every area in the house.)


Anytime we get a new worker at the house I leave my parents in charge to show them around. Usually I tell them to wait a week but I feel as though I should show her now.

Me- Follow me, will you?

Alexandria- O-Ok

I'm wondering what Lynn has told her because she acts as if she's nervous, hopefully she hasn't said anything because she's not suppose to, especially not to a very new person. Lynn has been with us for eight years, she knows everything about my family so I'm sure she probably warned Alexandria about something.. I'll find out..

Me-First I take you to the back side of the house.

As I led her to the back, she looks so amazed at the sight. The little sparkle in her almond shaped, light brown eyes, is so cute. Is it weird for me to want to know so much about a stranger? I can tell that she's holding a lot and I just want her to know that whatever it is, or whatever she needs taken care of, we got it. After showing her around the back of the house and the first floor, I decided to take her to the backyard since we're already back this way.

Me- Alors, comment mes parents t'ont-ils eu ? (So how'd my parents get you?)

Alexandria- I was actually pretty lucky that day.. But long story short, I overheard them in the coffee shop saying how the needed a new maid. I approached them and it went from there.

Me- Now, why do you say you were lucky?

Alexandria- Well, I was going to the library to search for a new job and before I had the chance to, that's when I heard your mother and father. They did say that one of their sons english isn't so good. I don't want to be wrong, but I want to guess that it's you.

I laugh because she's right, I can assume that me switching from French to English frequently could've gave it away. I know and understand English but some things I am just not able to say, like it comes out completely wrong.

Me- How'd you know?

Alexandria- Well yesterday when you first said something in English I really didn't understand you.

I let out a laugh and so did she, her laugh is so cute.

Me- Yeah, but I'm trying to learn really.

Alexandria- It's ok, I got you.

Me- That's so nice of you, moving around so much doesn't really give me a chance to learn it... or enjoy life.

That last part I didn't mean to actually say it out loud. She stopped walking and looked at me with concern.

Alexandria- I'm sorry to hear that.. do you ever think to find another job, perhaps a more lenient one?

Me- Si c'était aussi simple, je le ferais... et si nous retournions à l'intérieur, il fait assez chaud ici. (If it was that easy I would.. how about we go back inside, it's pretty hot out here.)

Alexandria- Yeah sure

Before she asked anymore questions I'm ending that topic and going to find something else to talk about. When we made it back in the house my brother was in the kitchen.

Larry- Alexandria.. I was just looking for you.

Alexandria- I'm sorry, I was out back-

Larry- With my brother..

He said as he looked at me.

Larry- Alexandria, if you could please make some breakfast while i have a word with my brother.

Alexandria- Yes sir..

I already know what he's going to bitch about..We walked down the hall then entered into the meeting room.

Larry- Qu'est-ce que tu fais? (What the hell are you doing?)

Me-Larry, je commence juste à la connaître, tu devrais vouloir en savoir le plus possible sur les personnes qui travaillent pour toi. (Larry I'm just getting to know her, you should want to know as much as you can about the people that work for you.)

Larry- I see how you are looking at her Laurent, I'm not crazy. Voulez-vous vraiment la mettre dans cette situation ? (Do you really want to put her in the situation?)

As I take a deep breath, I half way sit on the table.

Larry- Laurent you can't.. especially not now.. you chose this life.

Me- Ok Larry, je comprends, putain. (Ok Larry I fucking get it..)

Larry- Évidemment non, dois-je vous rappeler que les gens veulent vous tuer. Vous vous approchez trop d'elle et ils découvrent que sa vie est également en danger. (Obviously not, need I remind you that people want to kill you. You get too close to her and they find out then her life is in danger as well.)

When I started this I didn't take my future into consideration.. Now that I think on how I may never be able to create a family or how if I do my family would be in danger, I regret my decision..


What people are trying to kill laurent??

What kind of job do you think laurent has?

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