Chapter Fourteen

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Last week I was in London for a job, a job that turned into me almost getting killed. Luckily, I was able to make it back with only a few cuts and bruises. While I was gone I had Tex with me and AZ, my replacement guard watching over Alexandria. I haven't seen her since I been back yet, but I'm about to now because we are about to gather for lunch. It sucks that I haven't talked to her since the day of the kiss, so hopefully we could get some alone time today talk about it. Entering the dining room I see that there's no one in here. So I go into the kitchen and see Alexandria setting the plates.

Me- It smells amazing

She turned to me with a smile, but as I walked closer it faded.

Alexandria- What happened to you?

Me- Just got into a small accident, nothing major.

Alexandria - Nothing major? You have a huge cut on your face.

Her fingers softly brushed across my cut. Gently, I grab her hand, she looks at me and yet again, I'm stuck.

Me- Quelqu'un vous a-t-il déjà dit que vous regarder dans les yeux leur faisait perdre le fil de leurs pensées ? (Anyone ever told you that looking into your eyes makes them lose their train of thought?)

She shook her head no.

Me- Je n'arrive toujours pas à trouver les mots pour expliquer à quel point tu es belle.. (I still haven't been able to put the words together to explain how beautiful you are..)

Alexandria - Laurent

Me- Yes

Alexandria- You were the first person to ever call me beautiful.. or ever even give me a compliment.

Before I could reply, the clearing of someones throat filled the room. From the corner of my eye I see that it's my mother.

Me- Puis-je t'aider, maman ? (May I help you mother?)

Mrs.Bourgeois- J'ai besoin de te parler. (I need to talk to you.)

Letting go of Alex hand, my mother and I walk outside.

Mrs.Bourgeois- What are you doing? You can not trust this girl.

Me- How would you know that?

Mrs.Bourgeois-C'est une étrangère qui est devenue par hasard une femme de chambre. (She is an outsider that just so happened to become a maid.)

Me- Un étranger que vous considériez visiblement apte à ce poste. Aux derniers souvenirs, c'est un interne qui m'a trahi. (A outsider that you obviously felt fit for the job.. Last I remember , it was an insider that betrayed me.)

Mrs.Bourgeois- Laurent-

Me- Just because your husband turned out to be untrustworthy, doesn't mean that she will.

I have a close eye on Alex, something that I didn't have on my father. My mother needs to stay in her place until she has proof on why I shouldn't trust Alexandria. Once we returned the food has been placed on the table, my mother decided that she didn't want to eat with us, so it's just Larry and I. I think I'm going to invite Alexandria and Lynn to sit and have dinner with us. They brought out our drinks and I stopped them.

Me- ladies.. how about you join my brother and I.

Lynn- Are you sure?

Me- Positive, make your plates and come sit.

I use to do monthly check ups with my workers, but so much has been going on that I haven't had the chance to the last few months. After they sit, we eat, and have a surprisingly good conversation.

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