Chapter Eighteen

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The last few days have been very... awkward, I guess you can say. Everytime I see Laurent he looks at me as if he regrets his decisions. Mrs. Bourgeois still treats me like an unwanted step child, which is expected now.. Today in itself just hasn't been a good day for me. I've been doing a lot of overthinking, a lot of trying to figure out my life. Here, I've chosen the garden as a place for me to relax my mind. Which happens to be where I'm walking into now. But I am brought to a stop when I see LA sitting down. I don't want to interrupt whatever he's doing, so I start to walk away.

Larry-You don't have to leave

Me-I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to interrupt

Larry-You're not..come, sit.

Sit? LA wants me to come sit with him? That's pretty weird.. LA and I don't even speak to eachother. Hesitantly, I sat next to him and noticed that he looked a little sad.

Me-Are you ok?

Larry-At the moment.. no.. but I will be.

Me-May I ask?

He looked at me, took a deep breath and looked back down.

Larry-Just.. family stuff..

Me-Family stuff is never good.. hopefully whatever it is, you all can get through it.

He scoffed as he looked back at me.

Larry-Yeah.. how are you feeling?.. despite everything that has happened.

Me-I'm ok.. I guess you can say that I'm more confused than anything.

Larry-I understand

Me-But, right now I'm shocked that you don't mind me sitting next to you.


Me-I thought you hated me..

Larry-I don't hate you Alexandria.. I don't love you how my brother does.. but I don't hate you.

Me-What do you mean, love me how he does?

Larry-If someone even thinks of saying your name he gets very protective.


Larry-Yep.. first time seeing him like this.. you ever watched vampire diaries?

Me-Um no

I say with confusion because it's odd that he's bringing up a tv show while we're talking about this. A vampire show at that.

Larry- On there, the vampires do this thing where they turn off their humanity, basically making them not be able to feel emotion. Only my brother is always like that. But when it comes to you... his humanity is back on. You can physically see everything he's feeling, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.

I sat here silent, thinking deeply on what LA just told me.

Larry-I might've said too much

He stood up.

Me-No wait

Larry-I can't.. my brother will hate me if I continued..

He walked away. I've talked to Lynn, I've talked to LA, and I've even talked to Bobo.. I think that it's now time for me to talk to Laurent. After what LA just said, I have to get a true understanding of Laurent's meaning for his job so I can know how to move forward.


Out of every crazy day that I have, today has been the calmest. Mainly because I've been distant from everyone today. It's close to evening now and I'm getting hungry so I guess I should make my way into the kitchen in hopes that Lynn is in there, so she could make dinner. When I get down there, to my surprise I see Alex. We stood there and weirdly, but not so weirdly, stared at each other.

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