Chapter Thirty One

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My mother proves to me so much that she hates me and I refuse to believe otherwise. I wanted to go after Alexandria so bad, but this has to be handled right now.

Me-You're leaving. The both of you. Now.

Mrs. Bourgeois- What do you mean son? I thought you would be happy to see her.


Me-Did I ask you to say anything?

I look back towards my mother, furious.

Me-This is the shit that makes me wish you would've went ahead and gave me away. Go pack your shit cause I can't do this anymore.

Mrs. Bourgeois-We'll see how Larry feels about that.

Me-I don't give a fuck about how anyone feels about it. Actually the both of you can leave now I'll have your things shipped to you.

Mrs. Bourgeois-She can't leave, she is due soon.

Me-Well then, why the fuck did you bring her here?

Mrs. Bourgeois-She needed to be somewhere safe when giving birth.

Me-Where she was, was safe enough.

I turned to Milo.

Me-I told you about being in contact with her.

Milo-LO, my uncle is coming for me.. he knows that I know where you are.. you told me that you would keep me safe no matter what.. I'm not safe right now.

Me-This is not how you go about this and the both of you know that. The girl that just left out is my girlfriend, so you can't just come in here calling yourself my wife.

Milo-That's too bad because last I checked you and I were tied together until my uncle dies.

Me-Last I checked you said you had that handled. Instead you fell into their trap and got knocked up by the enemy. Like the dense woman you are.

Mrs. Bourgeois- LO

Me-You need to be getting your things. And you.

I point to Milo.

Me-Don't move.

I leave and go straight to Alexandria. When I walk in, Jasmine is in the living room with what looks like luggage. I pay her no mind and start heading towards the stairs, but she stops me.

Jasmine-She's not in the mood.

Me-And I'm not in the mood to have you in my presence right now. Move.

Walking past her, I go up to the room and see Alexandria crying while putting clothes into a bag.


I walk over to her and move the bag.

Alexandria-Laurent please.. please let me finish and I promise you I'm out of your way.

Me-No..No I'm n-

Alexandria-Don't you think it's time for me to go?

Me-It's not, just let me explain.

Alexandria-How can you explain that Laurent?

She look at me and her eyes where showing so much hurt.

Alexandria-You have a wife... and she's pregnant.

She said as her voice broke and she started to cry more.

Alexandria-I'm so stupid.

Me-You're not, Alex I'm so sorry. Just listen to m-

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