Chapter Two

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Soon as I got home yesterday, I called my manager informing her that I will not be returning. I just hope that this isn't the wrong decision. This might sound crazy, but I was so excited for today that I didn't even go to sleep last night. As excited as I am, I'm still very much so nervous. I pulled my hair into a tight low ponytail and put on the nicest pair of pants and the best shirt that I have on. When I got in my car I realised that my gas tank is literally on E..

Me- Fuck.. please let me be able to make it to the gas station..

It's currently 8:36 am, it's going to take me exactly 28 minutes to get to their house. If I get gas I'll be late, but if I don't then I just might not make it.. great... just fucking great.. This would happen to me on my first day, my first real impression. I rush to the gas station and put the last fifteen dollars that I had in my tank, by now it's 8:49 am. Honestly, I'm on the verge on tears.. I want to cry so bad because the most inconvenient things always happen to me. This is just one of those moments where I have to calm myself before I have a breakdown. After a few seconds I finally calmed down and headed towards their house. Driving through all of these neighbourhoods looking at the houses, this is most definitely no longer the hood. As I drive down this long road I see this huge beautiful house in the distance. The closer I got the bigger it got, it's like the size of a museum. I pull to the gate and there stood the two guards.

Me- Hi, I'm here for Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeios

Guard #1- Name?


Guard #2- Step out of the car

I was very confused, but I did it anyways. As I get out one of the guards pats me down, while the other one examines the inside of my car.

Guard #2- You're good to go

Getting back in my car, I'm still left confused as to why they had to check me and my car.. Once I drive down the road and park I am left speechless. This is the biggest house I've ever seen... Quickly, I remember that I'm late, I grab my purse and phone then went up to the door. Glancing around I notice that there's a few cameras looking at me. Lightly knocking, someone comes to the door, a huge someone at that. He had beautiful dark skin that was very smooth and satisfying to look at. He was dressed in this nice black suit and had to be standing at least six feet tall.

"May I help you?" He asked with a very heavy accent, sounds as if he's from Nigeria.

Me-I'm here for Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois.

Mr. Bourgeois- Ah Alexandria, it is a pleasure to see that you were able to make it.

He welcomed me in greeting me with a huge smile and a handshake.

Me-I'm so sorry sir for me being late, I ran out of gas and had to stop.

Mr. Bourgeois- No worries, the wife and I had a long night, so we're just now getting up ourselves. Would you like some breakfast?

Me- Oh, no thank you sir

Mr. Bourgeois-Well that's good, my wife isn't the best cook.

He joked as I let out a small laugh. I'm still in awe at how amazing this house is. If I had the money for things like this I would be the happiest person in the world.

Mr. Bourgeois- Alright, let's start with a tour right?

Me- Uh, yeah sure

I feel like I'm going to get lost in this place. Walking around it makes me wonder what type of work they do. Maybe a doctor or a lawyer, but then again they have all these cameras and big security guards. Are they famous?

Mr. Bourgeois- This is our living room, my wife will be in here majority of the day on most days if she's not on the other side of the house. Right here, next to it is the main kitchen, you say you can cook right?

He asked as he turned to me with a smile.

Me- Yes sir, I do.

Mr. Bourgeois- Perfect

As we walked down another wide hall, he continued to talk.

Mr. Bourgeois- Next week our boys are coming, well LO is coming on wednesday and LA is coming thursday night. We plan to have a huge welcome party.

Me- How long have they been gone? If you don't mind me asking.

Mr. Bourgeois- Oh not at all, LA just two years, but LO it's been five.

Me-Wow five years?

Mrs. Bourgeois- Yes, so you could imagine how much I miss my boys..

She said as she walked towards us from down the hall. Even in the morning they are dressed so nice.

Me- Goodmorning Mrs. Bourgeois

Mrs. Bourgeois- Goodmorning darling

Mr. Bourgeois- Well, since my wife is now here what do you say we get to know you more and continue this tour later.

Me-Fine with me..

We walked back up to the front of the house, to what I'm assuming is their office. It's all black in here and looks real secretive. I'm still playing this game in my head trying to figure out what they do to be able to afford all of this.

Mr. Bourgeois- Do you smoke?

Me- No sir

He then proceeds to fire up a joint that Mrs. Bourgeois had passed to him as he sat down.

Mr. Bourgeois- Do you mind if there's smoke around you?

Who am I to tell this man that he can't smoke in his own house?

Me- No sir, by all means enjoy yourself.

He gave a slight grin while sitting back in his chair, taking a puff.

Mr. Bourgeois- So tell us about yourself.

Mrs. Bourgeois- How old are you?

Me- 30 ma'am..

Mrs. Bourgeois- You have a husband?

Me- No ma'am..

Mrs. Bourgeois- Kids?

Me- No ma'am

She turned to her husband with a disappointed look on her face.

Me- I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?

Mr. Bourgeois- No, not at all..

I hope me not having a husband or children has an affect on me getting the job. I really want to do this, I need to do this.

Mr. Bourgeois- My wife is just big on family.. to her family is her reason to live, it's the most important thing to her.

I turn to her, looking dead into her eyes.

Me- Mrs. Bourgeois, I assure you that I am a very hard worker.. I will do any and everything, whatever it is you need me to do.

Mrs. Bourgeois- Alexandria... my family is very important to me, you will be more than just a maid.. whatever we need you to be at the moment you will be.. Once we build that trust.

Me- Trust?

Mr. Bourgeois- Ok, we'll come back to this conversation on a later date.. So if we hire you, you wouldn't plan to quit right?

Me- No sir, I'm all in..

Mr. Bourgeois- Great, tomorrow 7 am, that's when we usually get our day started.

Me- Yes sir, I'll be here.. Again, thank you so much

I have no idea what  I've just gotten myself into, but it's too late to change my mind now..

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