Chapter Twenty-Three

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When Laurent asked me to do this, I didn't think that I would end up being as nervous as I am. I trust Laurent and I trust Larry, so I know that they wouldn't let anything happen to me. When Amel approached me, my stomach had this put in it, but I had to play it cool.

Amel- You're name beautiful?


He smiled and took a sip of his drink.

Amel-Would you like a drink?

Me-No thank you, I don't drink.

Amel-My apologies.

Me-It's fine.

Amel-You seem nervous.

At that specific moment I wasn't, but now I am. I just need to relax and not think too much. Lynn told me what I needed to say in response to anything that he might ask me. So as long as I don't fuck that up everything will be fine. Larry and Laurent talk about Amel, but I have never seen him in person. Apparently the argument that him and Larry got into led for him to spread some of the families secrets. Well Laurent says that they're lies so he's been spreading lies to people outside of their circle.

Amel- You sure don't look like you'd be here.. at least not for an event like this.

Me-Why do you say that?

Amel- Not many females come to these're to yourself.. also..haven't turned to watch your surroundings. Almost as if you know something is going on.

Me-Why should I have to watch my surroundings, if we're all here for the same reason?

He stood closer to me and placed his hand under my shoulder blades.

Amel-You're smart... luckily I'm not gullible. Did Lynn teach you that?

Instantly my whole body freezes. How do I answer that? I want to turn around and search for Laurent but that wouldn't make things any better. What do I do?

Me-What do you mean?

He leaned to my ear and slid his hand to my lower back.

Amel- I know what they're trying to do and it's not happening.

Pulling me closer to him, he pressed his body against mines.

Amel-Now, act normal and come with me. If you choose to do otherwise.... Well, I'll let the actions speak for themselves.

I'm stuck... if I don't do what he said, who knows what he will do.. but if I do, Laurent will be so mad at me.

Amel-You want to know the truth about them right?


Amel- I'm sure LO told you that anything I say about them will be a lie, correct?

I look at him confused and slightly scared. He knows already so I might as well go with him right?

Amel- As I thought..

With his hand still on my back, he leads me to an empty room.

Amel-So let's restart this.. Alexandria right?

Shocked, I look over to him, wondering how he knows my name.

Amel-Oh, I forgot to tell you.. I know everything about you love. A poor abandoned girl that was searching for a job. When you just so happen to bump into Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois. Little did they know, you had a history of your own. Maybe you and LO are the perfect match.. He killed his father... you killed your mother.

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