Chapter eight

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Two weeks later

This morning I've been helping my brother get his products out since his business has been moving fast lately. Faster than the drugs can get in but he's still making things work.

Larry-I had to let Hosas go last week


Larry-Found out he was stealing my drugs, then he was only giving me half of what he was suppose to give me from what he was making.

Me-Need me to get that?

Larry-I handled it

Sometimes I think that when people get close to us they fail to realize that once you do is wrong, all closeness goes out the window. That goes for friends and family as well, we don't care who you are.

Larry- Yesterday I overheard Alexandria tell Lynn that she got a call informing her that her father died.

Me- Je sais... je l'ai tué  (I know.. I killed him)


I killed Alexandria's father cause like I said, life in prison wasn't enough. Her story made me the angriest that I've been in a very long time. Men that take advantage of and mistreat women pisses me off more than anything. Women and babies are the most precious things on this earth. So of course any man I find out that hurts a woman or a child, they will be dealt with.

Larry- Es-tu vraiment un putain d'idiot ? Je savais que tu allais faire cette merde. Laurent, ils savent que tu es là, est-ce que ça vaut vraiment la peine de perdre la vie ? (Are you such a fucking idiot? I knew you were going to do that shit. Laurent they know you're here, is that really worth losing your life over?)

Me-  Cet homme a assassiné sa mère et sa sœur juste devant elle, la laissant sans personne. Que ressentirais-tu si notre propre père tuait maman et moi devant toi ? Vous voudriez vous venger, n'est-ce pas ?  (That man murdered her mother and sister right infront of her, leaving her with no one. How would you feel if our own father killed mom and I infront of you? You would want revenge right?)

He lets out a sigh, shakes his head and continues packing.

Larry- Bien sûr... mais tu dois être plus prudent, ne laisse rien de tout cela te faire perdre le jeu. Je ne peux pas te perdre.    (Of course... but you need to be more careful, don't let any of this knock you off game.. I can't lose you)

Me-   Je sais... tu ne vas pas le faire  (I know.. you're not going to)

I'm very careful when I handle business, just so happens I had that one slip up. It won't happen again.. i figured I should go check on Alexandria since she hasn't been up this way all day. She's in the back house today and I didn't get the chance to show her much back there, so I had Lynn do it this afternoon. As I walked in the house I hear laughter, following it I am led into the living room.


Quickly they stand up and look at me.

Me-  Je déteste interrompre la fête... mais Lynn, pense à faire mes valises avec mon frère. (I hate to break up the fun.. but Lynn, mind packing with my brother.)

Lynn-  Oui Monsieur (Yes sir)

She grabbed her basket and walked out. I walked towards Alexandria and she started to smile.

Me-What you smiling at?

Alexandria-What "are" you smiling at?

Me-What are you smiling at?

Last week she started helping me with my English and the proper way to use words. I think I've been doing fairly good, in my opinion.

Alexandria-Better.. but don't you think that it's too hot to be wearing a suit?

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