Chapter Twenty Five

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Within the last week Laurent has slept only once and even then he woke up in sweats and didn't go back to sleep. I try to get him to sleep but he constantly refuses.. I even saw the frustration that it brought him the last time I asked him to get rest. Not only has him not getting sleep been bothering me, but feeling like he's hiding something from me is also bothering me. He goes over to Lynn house way more than he use to. Lynn has also been acting weird, I tried to go in her house yesterday and she basically told me that I couldn't. I can't continue to sit here like none of this stuff is not getting to me, so now I'm walking to see if I could get Larry to talk to him. When I walk into the house I see him and his men working, well really just his men.


He looks up at me, says something to the guy next to him , then leads me to a room connected to his work space.

Me-I'm so sorry to interrupt you.

Larry-It's ok, what's wrong?

Me-I've just been worried about LO.

Larry-Worried? What happened?

Me-Lately, he hasn't been sleeping.. and he gets flustered when I ask why.

Larry-Hasn't been sleeping?

Me-He's slept for thirty minutes in the past week. He also has been going to Lynn's house more than usual. This might be a push... but do you think that they could have something going on?

Larry-Who? My brother and Lynn? Hell no...sorry, no I don't think that they have something going on. But look, don't worry yourself. I'll talk to him and see what's up.

Me-Thank you.

Hopefully Larry can get me the answers I'm looking for.


Trying to hide Jasmine from Alexandria has been harder than I thought it would be. I've been at Lynn's this morning to check on Jasmine and make sure that everything is ok. I'm cutting it short today though because I want to spend some time with Alex since I really haven't been able to due to work. As I'm about to exit, I open the door and Larry is standing there. He puts his hand on my chest and pushes me back.

Me-Um what the hell?

Larry- Deux choses... d'abord, pourquoi tu ne dors pas ? (Two things.. first, why aren't you sleeping?)

Me-Est-ce que ça importe? (Does it matter?)

Larry-C'est parce que votre petite amie s'inquiète pour vous. (It does because your girlfriend is worried about you.)

Me-Que veux-tu dire? (What do you mean?)

Larry-She just came to me because you're not communicating with her and she thinks that you and Lynn are fucking.


Larry-Well technically she didn't say that, but I know what she meant.

Alexandria went to Larry instead of coming to me? And she thinks that Lynn and I are messing around. Does she not trust me? We literally had a whole conversation about her coming to me if she ever felt any kind of way, or if anything I've said or done has bothered her.


Larry-Where you going?

Me-To talk to her obviously

I'm a little upset because I thought Alexandria knew better than to think that I would, I guess you can say cheat on her. When I enter the house I didn't see her in the living room but I heard noise in the kitchen. I went in there and she was cleaning the counters.

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