Chapter Six

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The last two days that I've been at work LO wasn't there. I didn't really ask any questions because I figured that maybe he was working. This morning has started off pretty bad, not only was I almost late but I got a ticket for speeding. I was only going five miles over the speed limit, the officer was just being an asshole today. Anyways, as I walk into the house I greet Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois, they give me my agenda for the day and I get ready to start. First, I go to the second floor to say good morning to Lynn and also grab a few items.

Me- Bonjour Lynn

Lynn- Bonjour Alexandria, how you feeling today?

I did have to leave a little early yesterday because I got sick. It was just a migraine but it was so bad that it was making me sick to my stomach and I couldn't properly function.

Me- I'm feeling much better, but I got pulled over this morning so that started me off on a bad note.

Lynn- Pulled over, you must was speeding girl?

Me- Just five miles over, someone just pissed in the officers coffee.

She laughed and as she was about to say something LO came into the area.

Laurent- Bonjour Lynn.. Bonjour Alexandria..

He greeted us with his very charming smile, the both of us replied with a "Bonjour". I gather my items and get ready to go back downstairs.

Me- Well I'm going to head back down and get to work.

Lynn- Ok girl, let me know if you need anything. I should be down within the next two hours.

Me- Ok I sure will

I grab my cleaning supplies and started to head to the stairs, but before I could make it I tripped over a cord and almost fell. What stopped me from falling was LO.

Laurent- Woah, be careful

Me- Jeez I'm so glad that I wasn't to the stairs yet.

I replied in the middle of him lifting me up. When I finally stood straight up, he still had his arm around me, our eyes connect and there was some type of intimate feeling there.. His deep brown eyes staring back into mine sent flutters in my stomach. The clearing of Lynn's throat is what caused us to break that contact. I pull away and quickly grabbed the two items that fell out of my arms.

Me- Umm.. I-I'll go start cleaning now..

Quickly I walk down the stairs, once I get to my position I take a deep breath.. What was that? Why did it happen for so long? Why did I feel nervous and even get flutters in my stomach? So many questions that I don't have any answers to.. I'm sure he didn't mean for that to happen.. but what if he did? Ok, here I go with overthinking.

Me- It was nothing Alexandria, just a nice guy helping you... for the first time ever.

I say to myself.. It's time for me to stop thinking so hard on it so I need to start cleaning to forget about it, or at least try..


I have never made eye contact with anyone like that before. Something was there... I felt it, I just don't know what it was or how to explain it. I'm hoping that it didn't make her feel weird. Now that i think about it, maybe I should go apologize because she did leave pretty quickly. She's probably not attracted to me, and I know that if I wasn't attracted to someone I would be creeped out if they just stared at me. When she left out Lynn looked at me and shook her head.

Lynn- She's a sweet girl LO.. don't ruin her life.

Me- Lynn... regarde-moi... J'ai passé toutes mes années d'adulte à m'amuser avec différentes femmes. Je n'ai jamais rencontré une femme qui me fasse même envisager de sortir de ce dans quoi je suis et d'arrêter ce que je fais juste pour qu'elle puisse être dans ma vie. (Lynn.. look at me.. I've spent my whole adult years fooling around with different women. Never have I met a woman that makes me even consider to get out of what I'm in and stop what I'm doing just so that they can be in my life.)

Lynn- But-

Me- Don't call me crazy but it was love at first sight-

Lynn- LO, this is only your third time seeing her, you don't know anything about her.

Me- C'est tout le sens du coup de foudre. Quand je l'ai vue pour la première fois, j'ai vu à quel point elle était belle. Quand nos regards se sont croisés pour la première fois, je te le jure, je suis instantanément tombé amoureux. (That's the whole meaning behind love at first sight.. When I first laid eyes on her I seen how beautiful she was. When our eyes first met I swear to you, I instantly fell in love.)

Lynn- Et comment pensez-vous qu'elle se sentira une fois qu'elle découvrira ce que vous êtes, ce que vous faites... et pourquoi toute la famille Richard en veut non seulement à vous, mais aussi à votre famille et à tous ceux que vous aimez. (And how do you think she will feel once she finds out what you are, what you do.. and why the whole Richard family is after not only you but your family and everyone that you love.)

Me-...elle ne le saura pas. (...she won't find out.)

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Lynn- Elle travaille pour un tueur et un baron de la drogue, tu penses vraiment qu'elle ne le découvrira pas ? Si j'avais pu l'arrêter avant qu'elle s'approche de votre mère et de votre père, je l'aurais fait. Non seulement pour la sauver, mais aussi pour sauver sa famille... pour l'empêcher de vivre ce que j'ai vécu... (She's working for a killer and a drug lord, you really think that she won't find out? If I could've stopped her before she approached your mother and father, I would've. Not only to save her, but to save her family.. to stop her from possibly going through what I went through..)

Let me explain.. I'm not just a straight up murderer.. I'm a hitman, I don't kill the innocent, I end those lives that should be ended, those who don't deserve to walk this earth. For my family and whoever needs someone gone, I'm the person they come to. A few years ago I killed a guy that killed an old friend on mines son. His cousin wanted revenge so I had to come here, my hideout, to stay out of sight until I was able to get rid of him as well. Lynn had been with us two years at the time so of course we grew a bond, the guys cousin ending up killing Lynn's husband because that was the closet that he could get to me. She hasn't stopped working for us because she can't, we provide protection for her. Even though the guy is long gone, she has no one. She's from France as well, but she has no family there so she chose to stay with us. This time I'm back because a this guy that I killed, his brother, Jamal Richard, is after me. But I'll get to him and the six guys that he thinks I don't know are trying to get to me as well. No one knows that Alexandria works for us right now, so she's safe. But I'm going to try my best for her not to find out what I do, because then I know for a fact that she wouldn't wat anyting to do with me.


So now we know that Laurent is a hitman... how will this play out? Will Alexandria soon find out?

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