Chapter Twelve

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Over the course of a week, I've learned that Mr.Bourgeois has passed away. Although it's very sad I feel like I'm being lied to, I was told that it was from a heart attack. Something is telling me that, that wasn't his real cause of death. For the last two days Laurent has had me off, and during those days I have tried to do a little research on this family, but literally nothing has shown. I'm starting to get back as curious as I was when I first started. I haven't talked to Laurent since he told me about my off days, in fact he didn't even tell me about his father, the gaurd that he put outside my door did. Speaking of the guard, he just announced himself, meaning he's trying to get my attention.

Me-Goodmorning Tex

Tex- GoodMorning Alexandria

Me- You have to use the bathroom?

Tex- No actually LO ask of me to bring you to him.

Me- Oh.. ok well give me a minute to get myself together.

Laurent wants me to come in this early? it's 5 am, I'm not suppose to be there until 10 am today.


Killing my father was easily the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I'm still hurt and confused on how he could do something like that to his own blood. My mother still hasn't spoken to me and I don't expect her to, at least not now. If it was just the money, I could've found another consequence.. but helping someone that wants to kill me? He should've known better. My guard walks in right before i could get deeper into my thoughts.

Tex- Bonjour LO..Je l'ai amenée. (Hello LO..I've brought her.)

Me- Merci, laissez-la entrer. (Thank you, let her in.)

I'm still confused about the kiss with Alexandria and I feel bad because I didn't get her consent to kiss her, which is probably why she reacted the way that she did.


Alexandria- Bonjour Monsieur

Me- Let's walk

Alexandria's presence brings me..peace I guess you could say, it's hard to explain.

Alexandria- Are you ok?

Me- Yes, why wouldn't I be?

Alexandria- Cause you just lost your father..

Me- Oh, yeah.. I'm ok.

Truth is I'm not, but I am going to make myself be ok. I'm filled with anger and sadness that I've been trying to keep hidden the last few days.

Alexandria- LO

Me- Yes?

I looked at her and she examined my face, then I realized that a single tear has escaped. I wipe it away and tried to start back walking, but she grabbed my arm stopping me.

Alexandria- Laurent... it's ok if you are not ok-

Me- J'ai dit que j'allais bien (I said I'm fine)

Frowning her face, she lets go of my arm and immediately I felt bad, because that came off rude.

Me- I'm sorry, I ju-

Alexandria- It's ok, I understand.

There was silence for a minute, then we sat on the bench that's near the garden.

Me- I wanted to bring you here to apologize for the other day.

Alexandria- Hm?

Me- The kiss

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