Chapter Nine

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This morning I am running so late for work. My car wouldn't start and no one was outside to give me a jump off. This is my second time being late, I just hope that it doesn't affect my employment. When I arrive, I start heading to Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois office. Before getting to the door, I was stopped by Laurent. Which surprised me because he hasn't been here the last few days.

Laurent- You're late

Me- I know I'm so sorry, my car wouldn't start. I was trying I swear.

Laurent- You know when something happens or you have questions, you come to and contact me. Going to them is only if you can't get to me.

Me- Ok but how would I get in contact with you?

Laurent-Je vais vous donner mes informations, donc la prochaine fois que quelque chose comme ça se produira, je pourrai envoyer quelqu'un pour vous aider. (I'll give you my information, therefore the next time something like this happens, I can send someone to help you.)

Me- Yes sir, so I do not go to your parents about anything anymore?

Laurent- How can I say... You know like a job, you have a manager and assistant manager. They are the assistant, I'm the manager, you go to them when you can't get to me. Technically my parents only have the right to give you instructions on your work day. Anything else is my or my brothers responsibility, but you'll have better luck getting to me.

Me- Yes sir

Laurent- Now, today I'll have you on the second floor with me.

We walk upstairs and he starts showing me a few new things. The last conversation I had with Laurent was when we were watching the sunset. I asked him if he had a family because of how big his mother is on having one. To my suprise he said no, he claims to be somehow in the same situation as me, which I find hard to believe. Maybe he just felt bad and didn't want to brag about it because Laurent is a very attractive man, seems like women would be running behind him. But maybe I thought wrong.

Laurent- Hey, I need step out to take this call real quick.

Me- Ok I won't run away.

He smiled and went downstairs. I continued to clean, then realized that I was out of cleaning solution. I don't really remember where that supply closet is, so without interrupting him I go look for myself. Lynn is off today so I don't want to bother her, and everyone else is no where to be found. I came downstairs, checked where i thought the supplies would be, but they weren't there. There's one more room on this side of the hall, so I'm going to checked there, if not in there then I'll just wait until he comes back in. I don't want to walk into somewhere I'm not supposed to be in. When I opened the door the light didn't automatically come on like the other rooms. Feeling on the wall I find the light switch, as I turn it on I am completely shocked at what's infront of me. Along the walls are any and every type of weapon you could think of. Why on earth would they need all of these? "My brother say you can come in here?" That voice scared me, causing me to jump a little. I turn around and it's LA.

Me- Um n-no, I was looking for the cleaning supply closet.

Larry- Supplies are on the other hall

He said as he reached behind me to close the door.

Me- My apologies.. I must've overlooked.


I just got a call that I was not expecting, someone that I was once close with just got murdered, meaning my enemies are starting to get antsy. Once I got off the phone, Larry approached me.

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