Chapter Sixteen

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It has been two days since I've talked to anyone; I really don't know how to feel about any of this. Everything is just mind boggling, and I'm really confused on why he didn't tell me. I see now that Lynn was right to tell me to not fall for him. But I didn't think that this would happen; of all things he could do, he choses to kill people. Now my life is in danger because I'm working for him. I haven't regretted starting here as much as I do now. I locked myself in this room because who knows, he might get mad that I seen him kill someone, then he'll probably decide to kill me. So many things just keep going through my head, for one, him saying that he fell for me. Did he just say that to try to get me to calm down? As I start getting back lost in my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. "Alexandria... it's me Lynn. I've put towels and clothes outside of your door." Seconds later I hear her walking away from the door. I grabbed the clothes and towels then went to take a shower and got dressed. All morning I've been contemplating on whether I should quit or not.. If I quit then I'll have to go through the process of searching for a whole new job again. If I don't quit, who knows what will happen, I feel as though I should talk to Lynn about it, just so that I can get a second thought. Plus, she's the only person I can see myself talking to right now. After getting myself together, I walk downstairs and see Lynn in the kitchen.

Me- Lynn?

Lynn- Oh Goodmorning Alexandria, LO ask of me to cook you breakfast.

Me- Really?

Lynn- Yes, it's almost ready.

I walk towards her and lean my back against the wall.

Me- Lynn..

Lynn- Yes?

Me- Can I talk to you about something?

Lynn- Of course.

Me- Do you think that it would be a bad idea for me to quit?

Lynn- You want to quit? Why?

As she asked me that, I start to get emotional again. That moment continuously plays in my head over and over..

Lynn- Hey..

She pulled me into a hug.

Lynn- Talk to me.

I pulled away and wiped the tears from my face.

Me-I'm scared...

Lynn-Scared? Why?

Me-I watched LO kill someone and it's stuck in my head.

Lynn-Oh Alexandria

Tears started back falling and she pulled me into another hug.

Me-For the last two days I've tried forcing myself to not be scared of him, but it's so hard.

Lynn- You don't need to be scared, in this case, LO is your protector. He won't let anything happen to you.


Having to fight the urge of wanting to talk to Alex, has been harder than I thought it would be. I've been doing a lot to get her off of my mind, at least for now. I've tried avoiding Larry because it's either " It's your fault" or "Well this is why you aren't supposed to fall for anyone". The thing is, I can't force myself to not have feelings for her. Like, I can't just get up and say that I'm not in love with her anymore. As I get ready to go to the second floor Lynn comes through the door.

Me-Lynn, how's things?

Lynn-She wants to quit.

Me-Quitter? Tu lui as dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas, n'est-ce pas ? (Quit? You told her she can't right?)

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