Chapter Twenty Eight

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(Disclaimer: Contains explicit sexual content. I know some people don't care for sexual content, so if you would like to skip this chapter you can.)


I've never been out of the state of New York, so for Laurent to take me out of town has me so excited. This is also my first time flying, on a jet at that. I'm nervous but luckily for my first time it's just him and I, oh and I can't forget Bobo.

Laurent-We're about to land.

He still hasn't told me our destination but it's ok because I'd go anywhere with him. That sounds a little corny but it's true.. we landed, he grabbed my bag and we transferred into a black suburban. As we drove I looked out the window and finally figured out where we are, and I could literally cry. didn't.

He smiled and squeezed my hand. Most girls dream of going to beautiful places like France or London, or even California. But me, I've always wanted to visit Gatlinburg, Tennessee. To stay in a cabin in the Tennessee mountains has been a dream of mine. A while ago I told him about me wanting to come here, him making this happen just makes my heart melt. As we drove up the hills I get more and more excited, unable to hide my happiness. When we finally pull up to the cabin, I'm in awe. We get out of the truck and I just stare at the scenery. It's so beautiful, the sound of the animals and the smell of nature instantly puts me in a clear head space. Laurent grabs my hand and guides me inside. It looks just like the pictures I use to look up, actually it looks better.

Me-This is beautiful..

Laurent-What better place to take our first vacation together than the place you've dreamed about.

I turn to him smiling from ear to ear, he smiles back and kisses me.

Me-I love you

Laurent-I love you too baby

Everytime he calls me that I get butterflies and start blushing like a preteen.. once we settled in I came into the kitchen, but forgot that there isn't food here yet. I go into the room and talk to Laurent through the crack of the bathroom door because he's in the shower.

Me-Hey babe want me to see if Bobo can take me to get something to cook?

The shower stopped and seconds later he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping off him. My eyes move like molasses as I admire his body. I feel something.. something that I can't really explain, I just know I haven't felt it before. My chest caving in and puffing out while I try to keep a steady breathing pattern.

Laurent- What'd you say?

Me-Um..I.. I don't know.

Laurent-You don't know?

I meet his eyes and I'm stuck. I try to look away but I'm unable to. He steps closer without breaking eye contact.


Originally, I only stepped closer to Alex to move the strand of hair off her forehead. But once I looked into her eyes I got lost, as always. I move the strand away and gently cup her face. My thumb glides across the tiny moles that travel from the side of her face down to her ear. I then decide to stop staring and kiss her. This kiss felt different, different to the point where I feel tingles all over my body. Time seems to stand still as we lose ourselves in this kiss.. every touch, every caress, just sends waves of ecstasy coursing through my veins. Our kiss deepens, becoming more urgent and fervent with each passing moment. It's almost as if we're trying to convey a lifetime of longing and desire in this single electrifying embrace. We break apart after minutes, as we catch our breath our gazes lock.

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