Chapter Twenty-one

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Laurent.     Flashback

Alexandria's father deserves to be six feet under that jail, and I'm going to be the one to make that happen. Right now actually.. I have connects at the jail which is how I am able to get in so smoothly. I enter the room that's meant for the inmates to meet with their attorney. As I walk in he stared at me looking confused and I feel my anger just building all over again.

Me- Mr. Jamie right?

Mr. Jamie- Who are you?

Me- I don't think that matters, you won't know me for long.

Mr. Jamie-Guards this is wasting my time, take me back.

Me-Oh that takes the fun out of things.. I wanted to take my time.

I walked over to him, flipped my knife out and slowly slid it down his face.

Mr. Jamie- W-What are you doing?

Me- Did you think you would get away that easy for what you did to Alexandria?

Mr. Jamie- Alexandria? I don't know who that is.

Me- You've been in here so long that you've forgotten your own daughter's name.. Alright, I'm over this.

My anger is taking over and I can't look in his face anymore. I pull his head back about to slit his throat, but he stops me.

Mr. Jamie- Wait wait wait, if this is about Jasmine she's still alive.

Me- What? Who is Jasmine?

Mr. Jamie- My daughter.. I have two daughters Britney and Jasmine.

I have the right guy, I know I do. But somethings not right here.. is he lying to me? I let him go and sat on the table.

Me-Why are you in here?

I ask, even though I know why, I just want to know if he's going to lie.

Mr. Jamie-I shot my wife and oldest daughter.

Me-How old was your youngest daughter when this happened?

Mr. Jamie-Britney was seven.

Wait.. so Alexandria changed her name, but why?

Me-Alexandria is her name now.. why would she change it?

Mr. Jamie-Because I told her that when I get out I will kill her. And that if not soon enough, I will send someone.

Chills went through me and something flipped in my head bringing back anger and more anger compared to  a few minutes ago.

Me-Luckily that's not going to happen.

Before he could speak, I dragged my knife across his throat.

End of flashback.


Did he just... no.. How? I can't even process this with the amount of fear that I'm in right now. So this was a lie... he doesn't love me.. I look at him and immediately try to get out of his grasp.

Me-No let me go.

Laurent- Stop, Stop I'm not here to hurt you.. you know that.

Me-You're lying.... this whole time.. all of this.. your feelings were a lie.

I start crying again as I continue to try to get away from him.

Laurent- I'm not.. everything was .. is true. Just please calm down and let me talk to you.

Me-How do you know my real name then?

Laurent-Your father.

Me-Exactly, you're going to kill me.

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