Chapter Twenty- Two

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A month later

I never thought that someone could understand me as much as Laurent does. Each day we grow closer and learn so much more about eachother. He's finally back this morning after being gone for two days, but I still haven't seen him for longer than five minutes because he's been busy. I went to try to see what Lynn was up to but she's busy as well. Really, everyone is except me, they are having an event tonight and Laurent basically forced me to be off because of it. He didn't tell me exactly what the event was for, all he said was that it's important. Whatever it is, he doesn't want me there.


The time for Alexandria to reunite with her sister is coming close. I'm nervous because I've never done anything like this for anyone. She makes me happy with just her presence, so I want to make her happy in every way possible. First things first.. bring her and her sister together.

Larry- How are we going to even settle this tonight? LO you're being no help right now.

Me-We are just going to have to be careful of what we say and make sure that all eyes are open.

Tonight we have a black tie event.. I am looking for another guard and Larry is also looking to replace Amel, a longtime member of his crew. Larry is about to get rid of Amel because we recently found out that he had been doing the same as my father, giving out information about us. He and Larry got into an argument, Larry said some things that Amel didn't like, so he chose the give out information as retaliation. We also have something in store for him tonight, which we have to be careful because of the type of person Amel is.

Larry- I hate to say it LO but we need Alexandria.

Slowly I process the suggestion he just made and turned towards him.


Larry-Laurent, no one knows her, they're going to think that she's there for the same reason that they are.

Me-She's not doing it, that's final.

Larry-I thought you said that you weren't going to let your feelings and your relationship get in the way of our business.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds.. I did say that, but I didn't think this time would come, at least not now. Putting Alexandria in the face of another one of my enemies is something that I didn't want. Because Amel is now an enemy.

Me-If anything happens to her-

Larry-It won't... just make sure you are down there on time. If you show up late everyone is going to think it's a set up for you to go on a killing spree.

Me-Maybe I need to.


I put my blazer on and walked out the house. Tonight my biggest challenge will be to remain calm and keep my composure. A part of me feels like this could go bad, a part of me wants to kill, and another part of me is just extremely anxious.. I make it out to Alexandria and she approaches me with a smile.

Alexandria- Shouldn't you be getting ready?

Me-I should..

I hug her, pull away and place her hair behind her ears.

Me-I love when you wear your natural hair out.

Alexandria-Laurent.. what's wrong ?

Me-Nothing, what do you mean?

Alexandria- For one the look on your face.. and two I can tell that something is off.. so what's wrong?

Me-...can I kiss you before I tell you?

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