Chapter Thirty Two

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Today is the day that we celebrate the anniversary of Bobo being my first and best body guard. Alexandria and Lynn are finishing up the last few things in the ballroom and I just got finished getting dressed. Milo left yesterday, and my mother has been gone since last week so that has been a a huge weight off my shoulders. Although I want to leave my mother where she is, Larry won't stop begging me to bring her back. She'll be there for a few more weeks then I'll think about having her brought back. For now, I'm trying to make sure that Bo knows how much we appreciate him. Going down to the ballroom, I see people start to fill the room. Larry and Lynn are over in the corner talking but I don't see Alexandria so I'm going to assume that she went to get dressed. As I was about to exit Bo walks up to me.

Me-The man of the hour.

Bo-Man.. you didn't have to do all this.

He said with a smile.

Me-You deserve to be celebrated.

I gave him a hug. Some time went by and the room filled up more. I then spot my beautiful girlfriend across the room. As we made eye contact, I couldn't contain my smile. She smiled back and walked over towards Larry and Lynn. While I talk to a few people, I am unable to keep my eyes off her. She's wearing an emerald dress that gently lays on her curves, showing just little of her thigh. "LO", a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see one of my guards, Damen.


Damen-Who's doing the toast?

Me-I'm about to.

I head upfront and call everyone's attention by tapping my glass.

Me-Good afternoon everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank you all for showing up. I also want to apologize for the blindfolds on your way here. Although we're here to celebrate, we still have to keep our safety.

Unfortunately, even though we know everyone in this room, they aren't allowed to see their way here. All events that we have, has to be like that because we never know who could lead the enemy to us.

Me-Now for the reason we've all gathered.. Bobo, come up here.

He came and stood right next to me.

Me-This guy right here, is more than just a bodyguard.. he's my bestfriend.. he's been here no matter what. I'll never forget the time him and I had a huge falling out.. we didn't talk for weeks, but the moment I needed him, he was right there. Bo you will always have my respect and my love. Today we come together to celebrate the day you became my right hand man.

Larry-Second right hand man.

Everyone laughs, following with a toast. I spot Alexandria near the bar, so I approach her.


The bond that Bo and Laurent has is incredible. I'm glad that I'm here to witness this. As I stand at the bar I examine the room and my eyes lock with Laurent's. I slightly smile and slowly look away. Moments later I felt his presence near me. He places his hand on my hip and leans to my ear.

Laurent-I think that we should give this dress a break for a moment, and replace it with my hands.. possibly something else.

As I smile I grab hold to his hand and we silently exit the ballroom. He takes me to his room and immediately we start to make out. In the midst of us kissing I take his blazer off and start to unbutton his shirt. He unzips my dress and it gracefully falls off. We fall onto the bed without breaking the kiss. Bringing my leg up his side, he rubs my thigh. I start to unbuckle his belt then I heard a loud thump.

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