Chapter Seven

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Since Lynn and I had that conversation it's been three weeks. Alexandria and I have grown a connection and we talk so much, but when others are around I try to keep it at a minimum. Today, I'm a little concerned because she didn't show up to work yesterday and she's not here today. If I ask Lynn she's going to start questioning, so I'll go find out myself. I go out front and approach my long time guard Bobo.

Me-Bobo, j'ai besoin d'une faveur. (Bobo, I need a favor.)

Bobo- Qu'est-ce que c'est monsieur ? (What's that sir?)

Me- J'ai besoin que tu m'emmènes quelque part.  (I need you to take me somewhere.)

He looked around, then looked back to me.

Bobo- Laurent, tu sais que je ne peux pas faire ça. (you know I can't do that.)

Me- Pour qui travailles-tu? Moi ou mes parents ? (Who do you work for? Me or my parents?)

He takes a deep breath and I can tell that he wants to say "no" so bad, but he can't.

Bobo- Où as-tu besoin que je t'emmène ? (Where do you need me to take you?)

Me- To Alexandria

Bobo-Alexandria? The maid?

Me- Oui, elle n'est pas venue travailler hier et elle n'est pas là aujourd'hui. (Yes, she didn't come to work yesterday and she isn't here today.)

Bobo- Tu sais où elle habite ? (You know where she stays?)

Me- Come on Bo, you know I know where everyone stays.

I had to run back in the house to put something over my twist and grab a hat. After, we were able to leave. When we arrived I was lucky enough that there were only a few people outside. Once inside I went upstairs to her apartment. Before I think to knock this bright yellow paper that's attached to her door caught my attention. It was an eviction note, stating that due to failure of paying rent they are evicting her. I can't let her lose her place of living.. Taking the note off the door I walk down to the front office.

Me-How much?

I slid the lady behind the desk the note, she looked at it, laughed and continued to type.

Me- You don't hear?

"Listen, we've given her too many chances, she can't afford to be here so she needs to go." She said with an attitude as she still continued to look at the computer and type.

Me- I didn't ask that, I said how much?

People with attitudes irks me very bad. I didn't expect to deal with attitude today, it has brought a little anger out that I'm trying to hide. She looked up at me and her face changed from annoyed to horrified. "I-I'm sorry, I um.. I don't know", she stuttered while sweat began to form on her forehead.

Me- I'm sure you can look it up, no?

She quickly started to type. The way her fingers are shaking and the biting of her lip, I can see exactly how nervous she is. Maybe she should've thought to learn some manners before starting this job. "It says that she owes $2,426.93", she says. Reaching to the inside of my jacket, I hand her the money. This money was in my jacket for other reasons that has yet to be handled, but I can always replace it.

Me- Put the rest towards the other months.

I start to walk away, but then I remembered not only her attitude but the fact that no one was suppose to see me. So, I turn as I get to the door and face her.

Me- Oh, and if I find out you tell anyone... I will be back..

Sometimes it's good to have the type of reputation I do, but of course not always. When we got back to the house and I mean as soon as we pulled up, Larry was standing outside. Before I could even get up to the door, he sped walked up to me.

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