Chapter Thirteen

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I have a new neighbor, a new annoying neighbor at that. A European guy, I say he's annoying because for the last three days he's been knocking at my door asking a bunch of questions. Also, it's weird because he knows my name but I didn't tell him, and he only comes when the guard steps away. Crazy thing about it is, I don't recall seeing him move in, he just appeared really. On another note, Laurent has been teaching me to play the piano. It's way harder than it looks, but he's really been taking his time with me. Today was suppose to be my off day, but he needs me to come in cause Lynn is under the weather. Tex is also under the weather so he has been out the last three days. Laurent has placed a new guard outside my door, he doesn't really speak, at least not like Tex; luckily he's only temporary.. The driver took me to their house and pulling up I see that they have guest. As I enter I am greeted by Laurent and his wonderful smile.

Me-I see you have company early

Laurent-Not me, my brother... they're in the basement so you have the rest of the house to yourself for the next two hours or so.

Me-Well.. where should I start?

Laurent-There's laundry on the second and third floor. When you're done with that you can meet me out back.

Me-Yes sir

2 hours later

I don't think I realized my own speed, I'm done with all the laundry all ready. Well on the first floor I just had to fold the laundry and the second floor I needed to organize and wash the whites. I go looking for something else to do then I remeber that Laurent said to meet him out back. I go out there and he's standing by the pool. He walks up to me what looks like clothes in his hand.

Me- These need to be washed as well?

Laurent-No, they need to be put on your body.

Me- Excuse me?

Maybe I'm confused.. As I try to think about what could he mean by the clothes needing to be put on my body, he just stands there and laughs.

Laurent- It's a bathing suit, don't worry it's brand new.

Me- Why do I need a bathing suit?

Laurent- Alexandria, tu es une femme qui travaille très dur. Mais je remarque que c'est tout ce que tu fais, c'est travailler. Je ne veux pas que vous ayez l'impression que vous ne pouvez pas faire de pause, alors je veux que vous vous amusiez. Nous avons cette piscine et je suis sûr que vous avez vu la salle de jeux dans l'autre maison, tout cela pour votre plus grand plaisir. (Alexandria, you are a very hard working woman. But I notice that's all you do, is work. I don't want you to feel like you can't catch a break, so I want you to enjoy yourself. We have this pool and I'm sure you seen the game room in the other house, all for you to enjoy).

I've never been offered to relax, is this my lucky day? The fact that he's telling me to relax when i have never seen him relax is actualy kind of funny. But, I'm not going to decline this offer.

Me- Oh.. well thank you

Laurent- The only other thing I need from you is at 7:30 this evening, can you make my family and I dinner?

Me- Of course

After passing me the bathing suit he walks back up to the house. My last job worked me everyday and I barely had a day off, so it makes me feel good that my work ethic is actually being acknowledged. Quickly, I go change into the bathing suit, then get into the pool. It's also so beautiful out here today, so it's the perfect day to be in the pool. For what feels like thirty minutes, I swim around and enjoy the water. "How does it feel?", I open my eyes to Laurent standing on the side, swimming to him a prop my arms up on the edge.

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