Chapter Eleven

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Larry-I know who took the money

Instantly I become enraged.


I start to walk to my closet but he grabs my arm, which pissed me off more.

Me-Larry what the fu-


Me-What? Who is it?

Taking a long blink and a deep breath, he looks at me with a very concerned expression.

Me-Larry.. tell me's dad...

Me-Papa? Comme mon père?   (Dad? Like my father?)

He shakes his head "yes" and I rub my hands down my face. My father? Of all people... this news has brought an aching pain to my chest. I sit down as I try to process the fact that my father has been stealing from me.

Me-How....How did you find out?

Larry-From the camera footage you had me watch..Lo that's not the only thing.

Me-What else?

Larry-I hacked his phone from the computer...the guys from Dubai.. he's been in contact with them.


There's people all over the world that wants to kill me. But a guy from Dubai that goes by "Jud", has been after me for two years. I was sent to kill three of his brothers because they assassinated the mafias house. In the process he got hospitalized and I was the last face he saw before blacking out. So of course I'm who he's after.

Me-In contact with them? Why?

Larry-Apparently they've offered him ten million to keep them updated on your whereabouts. They've been trying to trap you for the last month.

I don't really get hurt, in fact never have been. But this just broke my heart.. other than my brother. My father is literally the closet person to me. The reason I am what I am is because of him. Now he's helping the enemy ? Throughout my younger years I watched my father work with the mafia. Even though I wanted to become a pianist, I also wanted to follow in his footsteps. At the age of eighteen, I watched my uncle get murdered and I wanted so bad to kill the man that did it. My father taught me how to use weapons and how to kill quickly without leaving a trace of myself. Once I learned, I went after the man that killed my uncle. It was the best feeling in the world knowing that I could kill someone that didn't deserve to breathe the same air as me. I enjoyed it so much that whenever I felt that someone didn't need to be here; I killed them. My father got injured and the mafia needed someone to replace him asap, so he offered me to them. I became bigger than what I ever thought I'd be. No one knew of me as a hitman and that's how it was suppose to be, that is until someone decided to inform the wrong people about me. Now my brother can no longer go out willingly because if someone is after me, then they're after him as well... as I sit here going through many different emotions I start getting frustrated.

Me- Benoit... go get my parents

I say to my gaurd that's by the door.

Larry- LO... this is different.. this is our father.. what are you going to do?

Me-tue-le...(kill him)..

Everyone knows the rules.. They apply to everyone. As we sat in silence my parents came in.

Mr. Bourgeois- Que se passe-t-il? (What's going on?)

Me- Asseyez-vous.. (Have a seat..)

While they sit, I stand and slowly walk around, debating on how I'm about to start this conversation.

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