Chapter Twenty Seven

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Everything has been pretty much amazing. While Laurent works my sister and I spend so much time together. Although some things are different, I try to look past them because I've missed her so much. Some days I feel like a kid again, being around her. She has transferred from Lynn's house to over here with me and everyday just gets better.

Laurent-Goodmorning baby.

He said while coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, and kissing my cheek.

Me-Goodmorning my love.

My love for Laurent has grown to be so deep. I catch myself staring at him sometimes, unable to believe that he has came into my life and what I did to deserve him. Often times I do still feel some type of way about how his mother treated me. I barely go up to the house, but when I do and she's there, we say nothing to eachother. I mean at least she's not belittling me anymore.

Laurent-How are you feeling this morning?

Me-I'm good, did you sleep well?

I asked as I turn facing him.


Laurent says that the nightmares are completely gone, but I still worry a little and have to make sure that he's ok.

Laurent-So when would you like to reschedule that trip?

Me-We can go whenever.

Laurent-Whenever? Like this weekend whenever?


I said with a smile. He returned the smile and kissed me. "GoodMorning you two", we broke the kiss and seen Jasmine walking into the kitchen.

Me-GoodMorning Jas

Laurent-GoodMorning.. I'm going upfront, I'll be back in a few hours.


Another peck on the lips and he was out the door.

Jasmine-I'm so happy for you

Me-I'm happy myself..

Jasmine-You know I've been here for over a month and you still haven't told me how you two met.

Me-I really lucked up Jas.

Jasmine- Lucked up huh..

The way she said it threw my off a little but I brushed it off.

Me-I needed a job and ran into his parents. They were looking for a maid. I got the job not knowing that I'd be working for him.. he took such good care of me.. we fell in love quick but I don't regret any of it.. He's my first boyfriend.

Jasmine-Really? That's beautiful.. I can tell he loves you because of how protective he is of you. I mean hell , he killed dad for you.

I frown my face up in confusion, because how does she know that? I didn't tell her and I don't recall Laurent telling her.

Me-He told you that?


Me-That he killed dad?

Jasmine-Oh um n-no.. I had just overheard him and his brother talking about it.


It's not like Laurent to be somewhere, where someone can overhear him. But maybe he slipped or forgot she was there.

Jasmine-Yup but I'm glad you're happy..

Me-Yeah so what about you? Any relationships.

Jasmine-Nah.. my last relationship was a few years ago.

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