characters aesthetics

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just to clarify - I own all characters and the storyline and plot of this book. Any pictures are owned by Pinterest.

Enjoy reading 😉



"still hate me?" Was all I could utter before I smashed my lips against hers.

Her lips were soft and plump and tasted like strawberries and cream in the most delicious way. I kissed her like a starved man, fighting for dominance. This kiss was different from our first. This was harsh, furious, explosive. We kissed like we felt, taking out our angers in the most satisfying ways possible. I licked her bottom lip and she let out a breathy moan that had my cock threatening to break my zipper. Her lips molded so well against mine, we were fucking made for eachother. I sweep my tongue against hers, every movement sending a rippling shudder across her body. I kissed her like she was the last thing keeping me alive, and she was.



Elsie Williams is the golden girl with a polished exterior, but, mayhem and chaos seems to follow her like a lost puppy. She's sharp-tongued, fiercely independent and oozing with confidence. On the outside, she's sex on legs with a charming personality, but on the inside, she's broken by a long list of childhood traumas. A childhood marred by a the death of her mother, an abusive step mother and a ghost of a father. She buries her trauma behind a dazzling smile and playful attitude and it seems like nobody knows the real her.

Grayson Lorenzo is the opposite. Elsie disguises pain with sunshine, whereas he much prefers to use storms and rain clouds as his defence mechanism. He's notorious for his detached and arrogant personality, smoking habit and reputation as a womaniser. He's brooding and aloof, rarely uttering a word to anyone but his small circle of friends. He's the quintessential bad boy, leaning against his motorcycle with a cigarette glued languidly between his puffy lips. He's cruel and spits venomous words to push everybody else as far away from him as humanly possible. But beneath that tough and indifferent exterior, he's hiding a web of secrets and the trauma from a shitty father. He's built walls so high that nobody dares to scale them.

Elsie accidentally burnt down her high school and that landed her in some prestigious boarding school with outrageously expensive fees and separated from her best friend in the whole world. Things couldn't get any worse could they?

But then she meets her asshole of roommate who's convinced that she's a stuck-up brat and determined to extract her from his friend group and things get so much worse.

This is a story of relentless arguing and explosive encounters. Their initial run-in is filled with biting insults, sarcastic comments and a constant tug-of-war for the upper hand. Elsie despises his overinflated ego and Grayson hates how different she is to all the other girls he's accustomed to. But beneath their fiery banter, an undeniable tension simmers. And somewhere in between hate and love, their dynamic shifts. The sharp insults become flirty jabs and the death glares turn into gooey eyes.

This is a slow burn of back and forth as they both fought to deny their feelings. Dark secrets are bound to come to light and a bucketload of hidden trauma is yet to be unveiled. Bonds will deepen, laughter will be heard and unfortunately, hearts will be broken and tears will be shed.

"Say you hate me."

"I - I can't."


tropes - enemies to lovers, roommates, forced marriage, fake relationship, mafia

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