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"He got shot?!" Lucas yells and i slap my hand against his mouth quickly.

"The bullet just grazed him-" I start nervously as Lucas' eyes widen and mouth drops.

Lucas gapes at me.

I decided not to tell anyone but Lucas, since I knew he would be the perfect accomplice in my plan.

Val would be too unsubtle and Lia too squeamish. Lucas was the only remaining option. 

"What!! Like really shot shot!?" He gasps, stuffing his mouth with another huge handful of popcorn. 

"Yes Lucas, like with guns!" I reply, grabbing his popcorn-stuffed cheeks in my hands, so he will face me, his face a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Oh my god!" Lucas squealed, eyes lighting up like he'd just eaten the last donut. Which he had, much to my dismay, it was the one with sprinkles as well!

"Yes! Now I need your help!" I grin, grabbing my own handful of popcorn and placing it between my lips. It would be a long afternoon.


The plan was for me to fake falling asleep, wait for him to leave the room and then call Lucas and meet him by his car where we would follow Grayson. 

I tossed and turned all night in bed, before realisation dawned on me that I was supposed to be asleep. I stilled and watched the ceiling for centuries.

Suddenly the creak of the bed frame alerted me Grayson was out of bed, I fought the urge to lift my head and take a peak at those godly abs. Footsteps padded around for a few minutes and I fought the scoff that threatened to erupt from my throat at his snail pace. Before the door opening and closing with a soft thud allowed me to leap upwards and ring Lucas. 


"Fuck, I was having a good dream bitch! Why'd he have to leave right now!" Lucas grumbled with a loud yawn. 

"Get your ass to the carpark asap, love you bye," I squeak into the speaker, hanging up before he gets another chance to complain and dashing out of the door.

I'm going to figure out whatever the fuck your up to, Grayson Lorenzo.


"I HOPPED OFF THE PLANE AT LAX WITH A DREAM AND MY CARDIGAN!" I scream animatedly as Lucas' stereo blasts only the best song ever. 

"WELCOME TO THE LAND OF FAME EXCESS - AM I GONNA FIT IN!" Lucas sang back, pouring his heart into the words whilst multitasking and driving the car through the dark night, following the motorcycle a few cars ahead. 

"JUMPED IN THE CAB HERE I AM FOR THE FIRST TIME!" I grin, turning the volume up as we both sing loudly. Our voices muddled in the brisk air in an off tune melody.

"LOOK TO MY RIGHT AND I SEE THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN!" Lucas chanted, bopping his head in tune, I laugh softly before turning the volume down to Lucas' disappointment. 

"You ready?" I grin hopefully.

"We could be following ourself into a world of gang shit and murderers but fuck yeah els!" Lucas smiles apprehensively. I give him a nod, settling back into his seat and thinking slowly.

What would we actually find out? What was I expecting? 

"Stop daydreaming babe, we have arrived," Lucas gives me a tense look before sighing and unstrapping his seatbelt.

Well here goes nothing. 

We parked a little further out than he did, almost getting lost in the random remote location. 

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