you scream like a girl

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I might need to invest in some quality earplugs.

Or a chainsaw.

Grayson has been particularly irritating since the stealing my clothes situation had occurred. He pestered me an outrageous amount of times a day. I skillfully ignored his tactics, and instead focused on planning some revenge.

"Can you turn the music off?" I grumble, voice muffled from beneath my sheets.


"I can't sleep if you keep blasting Mariah Carey at fucking midnight." I hissed, my voice tinged with irritation.

"I can't sleep if you keep fucking snoring like a fucking train every night," he retorts, cranking the volume up higher.

Swinging my legs over the bed, I heave myself off the mattress and push forward. Gripping my pillow in one hand and my phone in the other, I approach him. He was sprawled across his bed, adorned in nothing but some plaid bottoms.

"I will suffocate you," I gesture to the pillow that my left hand wielded like some sort of weapon.

He doesn't respond, his eyes merely roam my scarcely dressed figure.

"nice pyjamas," the words practically rolled off his tongue.

"your lack of pyjamas is unsettling," I snap in response, gesturing to his bare chest and chiseled abs.

"At least I don't have to fall asleep with socks in my hair," he counters instantly.

It's called heatless curls, you insufferable asshole.

"Fix your own mop of hair before you decide to talk about mine,"I scoff, retreating to my bed.

My tone is soaked in venom. I shoot him a nasty glare before throwing the covers over my head and welcoming the darkness,

I despised Grayson with every ounce of blood inside of me for what had gone down on our honeymoon.

The lights flicker off in a second and I snuggle closer into my duvet.

"Sweet dreams," he drawled, voice oozing with sarcasm.

"I hope you have a violent nightmare."

I'm not joking.

Grayson hums in amusement before collapsing into his bed.


I woke up alarmingly early to avoid Grayson. Brisk morning air drifted through the slightly open window and dim sunlight splashed into my face.

Reaching a hand out to grab my phone, I yank my body upwards. Tapping my fingers against the keyboard was almost rhythmic as I poured out of all the information I had discovered into my message.

I spoke of his late night ventures and locations he frequently visited, of the weapons he stored in our room and his contact, Enzo, whom he messages in a burner phone.

The response came almost immediately, lighting up across my home screen and awakening a nervous sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Unknown: I suppose that this information will suffice. I'll require more on Enzo next week and additionally some information on his family.

Unease churned through my veins. I didn't bother responding. This has been going on for a few weeks now. I had attempted to avoid it at first but after more threats overwhelmed my inbox, I caved.

Chucking my phone o the other side of my bed, I collapsed into my mattress.

What was I doing?

Once upon a time, I would've never done this to Grayson. I would've defended him. I wouldn't be exposing his secrets to some unknown person.

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