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TW smut ahead!! You can skip this chapter if you'd prefer x

In a second, I slipped behind her and wrapped my arms around the thin of her waist. She gasps, startled by my abrupt actions and swivels her face to mine.

She smells of vanilla. Her divine scent crept up my nostrils and i inhaled sharply.

I've been waiting for this moment for so long. For so fucking long.

Fuck - I've been waiting ever since I first laid on eyes on her in the canteen.

I waited what felt like an age at that dinner table, mulling in and out of conversation. Just biding my time until I could whisk Elsie away and ruin her.

Despite being patient, when the half an hour came to an end and everyone began excusing themselves to their rooms, an evil smile touched her lips as she offered to do everyone's dishes.

My cock threatened to punch a whole through my zipper. It was so hard, that it pained me to even look at her.

Every aspect of her was alluring and I was drunk on desire. She was killing me.

My eyes devoured the sight of her in front of the sink. I darted my tongue across my lips at the sight of her round hips.

"A promise is a promise," I murmur silkily into her ear.

She sighs and throws her hands into the air with a flourish.

"Actually, I think that I'm too tired." She taunts.

A harsh groan slipped out of my lips. This was her revenge for my teasing at the table.

I clench my hands into a fist.

"sweetheart-" my voice comes out strangled.

She beams proudly at my reaction.

"I might be more willing..." she pauses and her voice lowers to a lustful whisper, "if you beg."

I halt, my gaze searching her features.

I was agitated and aroused and I was willing to do whatever she pleased. She had me wrapped around her tiny finger and she didn't even realise.

I sank to my knees at an agonisingly slow pace, my eyes locked on hers the whole time. My skin pricked with goosebumps as I stare up at her from my position on the floor.

"Elsie," I said gruffly, "please,"

"Please, what?" She drawled, her lips settling into an evil smirk.

An eager huff escapes my parted lips as my eyes return to hers.

"Please let me ruin you, let me destroy you, let me fucking shatter you and let everyone in this house hear it." My throat bobs. "Let me rearrange your insides and fuck you dumb until the only thing you know is the feeling my cock inside you,"

Her mouth falls open and her chest rises and falls at an uneven pace.

A glint of pride shines in my eye as I proceed, "God, you drive me fucking insane but in the best way possible." My eyes drop to her full lips. "You'll be the death of me, Elsie.."

The next second, everything moves extremely fast. It was as if life was speeding up around me whilst I was stuck in the moment.

Somehow, I stumble to my feet and into Elsie's erotic embrace.

And then we are kissing.

There was nothing soft or sweet about how are lips connected. It was a collision of two equally desperate forces, fighting for what we both craved the most.

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