girls night

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"you're pussywhipped," Nick says, prodding my shoulder lightly.

He was talking about Elsie.

I would never admit it to Nick because he doesn't need me to boost his ego anymore, but he's correct.

I practically worship the ground that the girl walks on.

With her halo of blonde hair and forest green orbs.

"shut the fuck up," I growl, barely flicking my gaze in his direction.  He tilts his head back as a light chuckle escapes his lips. He knew I wasn't being intentionally horrible.

It might not seem like it, but Nick is my brother. Not through blood or looks but through an unexplainable bond that formed one random day. 

I owe it to that fucker that I'm still alive today. I'd probably have a bullet through my skull if he hadn't plonked his body down beside me that first lunch time.

We just understood each other in away that others couldn't. Even if I was a piece of shit to him, I could guarantee that he had my back, my front, my left and my right. And I had his.

it was an oddly warming sensation that blossomed in the pit of my stomach - knowing that I had someone that I could  count on.

I may have lost one brother but i gained another.

"You know you can't lie to me," Nick says, a cocky glint in his eye.

"Your bed is so fucking comfy, gray." Ryder's voice calls out, slightly muffled from beneath the duvet of my bed. Nick and I immediately turn to face his direction from our place in the corner of the room. Nick was sat on floor with his back slumped against the wall whilst I was sprawled across the desk chair.

My eyes roll back before I can refrain myself when I see Aaron attempting to do a headstand against the pale, chipped wall beside Elsie's bed.

"you're going to break your back, idiot," Nick sighed, his face etched with exhaustion. Aaron was always pulling mental stunts like this.

"I only break girls' backs, Nick," Aaron wheezes, red strokes scalding his cheeks.

"Is there an off button for you?" Nick responds, shaking his head as he sniggered.

"Afraid not," Aaron spluttered, his face now a beetroot canvas.

"Just tickle his bellybutton and he'll shut up," Ryder shrugs and Aaron releases an exasperated huff in response.

"you weren't supposed to tell anyone that!"

"life's short, don't hold grudges."

A snort erupts from my nose at Ryder's aspirational quote.

"Where'd you get that one from?" Nick asks, his clips curling upwards.

"a book."

"You read?" Aaron gasps, his futile attempt at a head stand collapsing as he scrambles to sit upright.

"What? Is that so hard to believe?" Ryder utters, looking offended.

Aaron itches the back of his neck, his expression apologetic, "yeah, it is."

In the blink of an eye, a pillow is thrown directly in Aaron's direction and his head is propelled backwards.

"You fat bastard!" He roars, fingers tracing his reddened skin delicately, his lips pulled into a shit-eating grin.

"I'm not fat! My mom said I'm a beautiful boy who pulls all the ladies!" Ryder informs us.

"And when did she tell you that?" Nick laughs lightly.

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