only one bed

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"Elsie," his deep voice rumbled through my soul. The way he said my name would've had my knees crumpling and my legs giving way had I been stood.

"zip it," i mutter, stuffing my face further into my pillow so I could ignore him. I got distracted by his alluring face and features at gym practise, I was also convinced his cologne had drugged me into some horny blur. But I was not confused now.

"look at me, sweetheart," he rasped, and my heart beat quickened.

"nope," i retort, fighting the urge to turn and face him.

"look - I'm sorry," my ears perked in curiosity, "I shouldn't have tricked you-"

Well then why did he?

"I do not accept your apology," I squeak, "consider yourself unforgiven,"

Before he can respond I add, "and I do not accept your marriage proposal. So shoo,"

Silence. Soul crushing and claustrophobic silence.

"No," he grits out eventually and i scowl against the pillow.

"I don't want to marry you. Jesus! You're a murdering asshole who I shot barely three days ago, how does this surprise you?" my tone came out harsher than I expected and from the steely silence, I had hit a nerve.

I hear the thumps of his feet against the floor as he walked away. I release a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. The door opens and closes with a distinct click.

I snuggle closer into the duvet, burying myself away from all my problems in bed. Being completely honest, if i had to marry anything - I'd marry my bed, it's my one true love.

My movements halt as a black thing fills my view.

Oh fuck no.

You've got to be kidding.

A shriek climbs up my throat.

Bed bugs.

I wasted a good minute being absolutely frozen in fear, then proceeded to scream my lungs out as I watched the monstrosity crawl across my bed. Without a second thought, I threw myself off the bed with a thud.

That was definitely going to bruise.

Screams ripped through me as i hurtled towards the door and out to the corridor.


"You're got to be kidding?" I gape.

No. No. No. This was not happening.

"Sorry Miss Williams, it's late and there's no spare rooms. For now, you need your roommate will have to come to some sort of agreement about your bed situation, seeing as there's only one now." The lady behind the desk offers a sympathetic smile, lowering her glasses so they perch at the tip of her nose.

"But-" my voice comes out in a desperate whisper.

"Nothing more I can do, I'm afraid. But, it's getting late so I suggest you return to your room," she cuts me off.

This entitled bitch-

"I-"I stumbled, trying to think of an excuse.

"What if I'm deathly ill from a new virus that bed bugs can give me? Are you going to be able to live with yourself, knowing that the breakout of a new disease was your fault!?" I waffle, giving her a pleading look.

"To bed, Miss Williams. Good night." She replies shortly, with a curt nod.

i roll my eyes with a huff and turn to go find whatever dark rock, Grayson's lurking under.

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