red lacy panties

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"W-what?" The words tumble from my lips.

"I'm in love with you." He repeats firmly. "You can continue to hate me and not forgive me but that won't ever change the fact that my heart belongs to you."

fuck me.

My stomach erupted into a swarm of butterflies. Grayson's piercing hazel eyes never left mine.

"You don't have to say it back, I just need you to know how I feel-"

I interrupt him hastily. "I'm in love with you too."

His eyes widen at my confession.

"I love you like it's breathing." A smile tickles my lips as I continue, "And yes, you can be an insufferable asshole at times, but you're my insufferable asshole."

"Thank fuck." Grayson releases a relieved sigh, taking humongous steps until we are barely a centimetre apart. His warm breath fanned my skin as I gazed up at him through my lashes.

I tried to reign in my frantic emotions as we shared a look, emerald eyes on his cinnamon ones.

This gorgeous, greek god of a man was stood before me, gazing wistfully at me as if I was the prettiest thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

And he was mine.

In a heartbeat, a dimpled grin broke out on his face and his large hand roughly gripped my jaw.

"I hope you understand that I'm never going to let you go now." He spoke in a hushed tone, eyes roaming my face. "You're my wife, sweetheart." He stroked his hand along my jaw. "Nobody else can even fucking glance in your direction."

I tuck a blonde tendril behind my ear. "Or what?" I goad, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

"Or I'll rearrange their fucking teeth." He scowled, chest heaving.

A sharp pang of desire shot down my spine.

"This works both ways." I smirk, jabbing a finger into his rock-hard chest. "I'll slap the shit out of any girl who looks your way."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." He grinned triumphantly, his lips ghosting over mine.

And then he kisses me.

And I felt sparks.

A thousand fiery particles spout from where our lips connected, throwing fragments of light in every which direction.

Utterly engrossed in the kiss, I tangle both of my hands in his crown of russet curls.

I shudder, feeling the massive tent in his sweatpants press against that spot between my thighs. I can feel his smirk against my lips. In one slick movement, he hoisted me up and placed me on the sink counter as if I weighed the same as a feather. He pushed his toned body between my legs before rapidly claiming my lips again.

"What colour panties are you wearing?" He asks huskily.

I search my brain for an answer but all I can think about is the pair of lips sucking and nipping the exposed skin above my collarbone.

"Tell me the answer, baby." His gaze snaps up to mine and a wolffish grin touches his lips.

"My red lacy ones." I breathe, tugging my fingers through his curls desperately.

He's lucky that these were the only unwashed pair, or my stripy granny panties would make a grand entrance.

"I hope that they're not your favourite pair." He rasps, his honey eyes darkened to a burnt caramel.

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