crappy fathers

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(Grayson age 15)

"Mi dispiace figliolo," Papà murmured, "the wound was too deep, Matteo fought hard and brave,"

the line went dead. Matteo was gone. My stomach knotted with anxiety as nausea rolled through me.

Some Russian shot him in the stomach. He was only 17 but he was my big brother and my safe space, he taught me all there is to know. He treated me after papà beat me to shit, he tended to all my bruises and scars, he was the only fucking comfort I ever knew. Him being the eldest and the future don meant he was, in papà's eyes, the golden child - I was the backup, the useless kid. He was the only person who treated me like a human. My eyes blinked rapidly, attempting to drown the tears threatening to spill.

he was gone.

"What happens now?" I croak quietly into my phone, dragging my hands across my face aggressively. No sign of emotions - it was a weakness. And weaknesses, were how you got killed by the enemy.

"You are now the don of the mafia, you useless shit. I need to get you into top shape for the next three years before you turn eighteen. Over my dead body, will I let you fuck up everything I've worked for." He responded icily. I paused, muted the call and a harsh sob climbed up my throat, I let put a breathy sigh and unmuted.

"Come desideri papà," I whisper in response.

"Now go the gym or something, putanna debole, don't you dare disappoint Matteo,"

the line screeched into my ear as he hung up abruptly.


(Present time - Grayson age 17)

"son, I'm glad your finally answering my calls. It's about the mafia ball tomorrow-" papà started as soon as I picked up.

"The fuck do you want?" I answered coldly.

Anger pumps through my veins as I hear his voice, sickly memories that I'd buried deep down threatening to unravel. Someone needs to put a bullet through his skull before I do. He's treated me like shit my whole life, but now I'm the stronger one. I'm not fucking afraid of his shit anymore.

"Be more respectful to your father, Grayson." He mutters in annoyance.

"Or what?" I seethe, biting my lip so hard, blood begins to trickle down my chin.

"You might be all fucking big now, but that doesn't mean your old man can't beat all this confidence shit out of you. You're weak son, always have been and always will be. Matteo-"

i cut him off again, "don't say another fucking word about Matteo,"

"Whatever. Have you found a suitable fiancé? Or did you pick a fucking slut? That Violet girl is always an option - her parents are very keen for the marriage. " he grunts.

Violet? Fucking hell. That girl wouldn't waste a second to stick her fangs into me. Her parents had been begging to marry her off to me but the mere thought made gag.

"I have a fiancé. And don't ever call her a slut or so help me, I will not waste a second in chopping off your dick and feeding it to you." I hiss spitefully and I feel pride bloom inside of me as the call goes quiet for a moment.

"Do not threaten me." He warns, the line goes quiet before he coughs abruptly, " Your coach gave me your latest stats, you're barely showing up to games."

A menacing snarl escapes my lips, the taste of coppery blood exploding on my tongue as I bit my lip. I knew exactly where this conversation was going.

"I don't need a fat bastard running my mafia. Commit to this team, or I'll have my men have a little meeting with your fiancé." He continued.

There he was, my father, showing his true colours. Too intimidated from my threat so he finds himself changing the topic. A long list of swear words linger on my tongue, but I hesitate. The mention of my fiancé, catching me off guard. I swallow harshly, flickering flames of rage dancing through my eyes as I picture his men laying one hand on Elsie.

"I'll go to the match but leave her the fuck out of this - it'd be shame if your handsome head ended up on a stick, would it not?" I grit out, my voice laced with sarcasm and venom combined.

I hang up before he can get out another word. Nice to know one thing hasn't changed, my shitty dad is still just as shitty as before.

I need a fucking smoke.


"Lorenzo, good to see you back." Coach yells as i approach the pitch. I nod shortly in response, I was not in the mood for talking, today more than ever. Everyone could fuck right off.

"Ayy cap, you're back," Marlon Jones hoots, he was young but decent for his age. Unfortunately though, his youth meant he reeked of enthusiasm and i did not have the energy for that bullshit.

"let's not fuck this up," i mutter coldly once the team crowds around me. They all nod cheerfully before returning to the stands to have a last conversation with anyone watching.

I don't have any family that gives a shit and I'd rather the boys didn't waste their time watching me play so I just stand to the side, glaring at everyone and everything. If looks could kill, the whole stadium would be six foot under.

"ALRIGHTT ST LOUIS FANS! IT IS WITH PRIDE THAT I INTRODUCE TO YOU, THIS YEAR'S ST LOUIS TIGERS!" the announcer shrieks over the speakers, their annoying voice made me cringe as my eardrums burst.


my head spins in that direction immediately. Cheer captain? What the fuck.

She saunters into the centre of the field, swinging her hips and shaking those damn pom-poms. The tiny skirt she wore left little to the imagination, but I wasn't complaining. Music starts to blare on the speakers as Elsie begins some chant and routine, it's simple and catchy with a lot of annoyingly sexy moves. My eyes locked on her slim figure, memorising every curve and edge. My brain swarmed with the urge to run my hands around her thin waist or cup her round ass. Show everyone watching her, that she was mine.


the rest of the cheer squad comes skipping out onto the field, some doing cartwheel shit and others straight up sprinting. They all join Elsie in her routine as they sync their movements perfectly. The music drifts to the end as two of the more strong looking members raise Elsie on their shoulders and she poses precisely in the air. A vein throbbed in my temple; that shit did not look fucking safe. I resist the urge to run up to her and grab her before she falls and gets injured. She backflips backwards into their arms before skipping back to the front and ending in the splits.

Fucking hell. She looked good. Ever since that kiss I can't get her out of my brain, he intoxicating vanilla scent, her soft lips, her tongue, the way her body felt against mine. Everything felt perfect as if she was fucking made for me.


I sigh reluctantly before jogging onto the field and waving to the audience as a roar of cheers arouses.

"CAPTAIN GRAYSON LORENZO IS BACK??" The announcer squeals as all heads turn towards me, more specifically, Elsie's head turns to me. She meets my eye, and I don't miss the way her eyeline rakes my body head to toe.

She needs to quit the eyefucking before I take her right here.



i have the hugest crush irl omg

he's so leng





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