first day blues

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The day was Monday the 5th of April 2022.

My first day at St Louis Boarding School.

My fresh start.

I winced at the sight of the dreary sign. Heaving, I shove the double doors open and proceed forward through the halls.

My eyes scour the corridors. Tall royal blue lockers trailed along the walls, crappy fluroscent lighting and rough wooden doors.


The pungent stink of the canteen's latest meal wafted through the thick air and i scrunched my nose at the odour.

My bags weighed down every step I took and I was already late so my awkward shuffling would not cut it.

Any trace of humanity had retreated to class by now leaving me in solitude in the halls.

I contemplated my situation.

Expensive new boarding school? Check.

Best friend shipped halfway across the world? Check.

Criminal record? Check.

Set your school on fire? Check.

six months ago

"Ah! You're going to love this so much!" My grin is stretched wider than humanly possible.

"Can I open my eyes yet?"  Nila asked, a light giggle erupting from her throat, her eyes concealed by the bandana I wrapped around her head.

Nila was my best friend of all time,  my ride or die, my future maid of honour. We'd been close ever since she set her chocolate doe eyes on me and decided we would be companions in sixth grade. Ever since the girl with smooth caramel skin, huge walnut orbs and ebony ringlets approached me and asked about the maths homework. She saw the sad little girl in me and helped me be happy.

I tugged on one of her inky curls subconsciously as I prepared her surprise cake. It was slightly crispy around the edges from one too many minutes in the depths of my oven but looked tasty nonetheless. I had smothered it in vanilla icing from target and printed pictures of her sexy celebrity crushes to glue to sticks and stab into the cake. I was about to reveal it to her now in the car park during our double maths lesson.

The corners of my lips tugged upwards as I grabbed the chunky candles I'd managed to buy earlier. I had originally forgot about candles but luckily some homeless man on the street next to mine was selling some for insanely good prices.

I appreciate a good bargain.

My fingers had a tremor from the excitement that swam through my veins as I lit the candles with my lighter.

"Open your eyes!" My voice comes out as an ecstatic squeal.

Her thick lashes blink open as her chestnut eyes fall to the cake i clutched.

"SHUT UP! YOU EVEN PRINTED YOUNG LEONARDO DICAP-" she screamed, her eyes dancing with delight. Her reaction was cut short as the candles flickered a perilous Scarlett shade.

"Is that supposed to be happening?" Her dark brows are pinched together as she eyes the glowing candles warily.

"Shit! No!" I exclaim, my breath coming out in ragged pants as the flames devour the gorgeous pictures of  her celeb crushes.

By now, the entire cake is alight with a raging fire, the printed photos had only fuelled the flames more. Reluctantly I drop my baking masterpiece and it lands on the carpark floor with a distinct thud.

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