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its finally come, the last weekend in cousins. It feels like only yesterday jeremiah and belly showed up here looking for me. Summers always go by too quick, and now i have to go back to brown. To my roommate, the stuffy dorms, and ill be leaving belly, for the second time. Things will be different though, im better, bellys better too. I feel like she understands me a lot better. Steven, shayla, belly, and i, are in the store, shopping for party favors.

My mind flashes to the last time we were doing this. My conversation with belly then, vs now, i walk hand in hand with her as my girlfriend.

"Shayla and i, will get snacks and drinks. Belly youre on decorations, con your job is to make sure belly stays on budget" steven states.

"Whatever" belly rolls her eyes, and we all go our seperate ways.

"hey um do you mind if i go get something real quick?" i ask.

"no, i dont know why youre asking, youre a free a man conrad" she chuckles confused.

"Its a respect thing belly, something you wouldnt know about" i sass as i walk away.

I go to the isle that has the tiaras, and i buy her the one that fit so perfectly on her head. Shes in the walking area in the middle.

"oh my god cam cameron!" she calls to a boy walking in front of her, he turns around and they hug. I fight my jealous feelings, she can hug other guys, and be friendly with other guys, you trust her i tell myself, but its still hard.

I grab another cart, and go to the other side, i casually run it into cam.
"im so sorry, i didnt see you there" i tell cam sarcastic.

Belly gives me a glare"what" i mouth back, she gives me another look, as if to say, you know what.

"Totally fine bro. Belly and i were just catching up" cam states.

"hey cam, you should come to our end of summer bash tonight at the beach house" belly smiles.

I look at her, and mouth no no no no, while shaking my head.

"Thatd be awesome, id love to see everyone, and here more about your adventures" cam smiles at her.

I start clearing my throat,
"you okay?" he questions confused

"just dandy" i repeat.

"Hey great talking, see you tonight belly botton" he tells her.

"bye cam cam, itll be fun cant wait" she replies.

"That was rude" she glares

"i didnt do anything" i say.

"you ran a shopping cart into him, and you didnt want him to come" she argues.

"Well at least i wasnt flirting him, bye belly button, oh i cant wait to see you cam cam. I really hope you enjoy your date tonight" i mimic their voices.

Bellys fighting back her laughter,
"this isnt funny belly"i mumble.

"i wasnt flirting, i was just being friendly, maybe you should try it sometime" she fires back, and i roll my eyes.

"lets just get what we need, and get out" i mumble.

"Whats in the bag?" she asks.

"what bag?" i act innocent

"conrad, whatd you already buy?" she raises her brows.

"Its not important anymore" i say, pushing the cart.

"Was it something for me?" she smiles at me, and i try not to cave.

"It was" i state.

"Okay, for the second time, i was not flirting, now give it to me" she tries snatching the bag, while laughing.
"Look jeremiah!" she calls, and i turn around, she grabs the bag from my hands.

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