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Its november now, wednesday november 8th to be exact. Its getting even colder outside, jeremiahs had to put the top on his jeep. Its been nearly 2 weeks since halloween weekend. That was also the last time i spent real time with conrad, he didnt drive over last weekend, cause he needed to study, and this weekend he isnt driving over either. I have a pretty jam packed weekend though. on friday, trevor and i are getting donations from the buisnesses, who promised to sponser the auction. we are having a meeting with the plaza people, to go over things.

Well also be touring the rooms, so thats super exciting. Taylor and jeremiah are living it up, in the honeymoon phase, theyre all over each other, and i am living for it. Im so excited they got together, i knew theyd be a good pairing. Im actually at brown, wednesday is one of the days, i dont have to go back to high school. Im currently working on my room drawing for art. I made it my dream room, theres a kitten on the bed asleep, and i have a 4 poster bed.

Theres a window, with a balcony, overlooking the ocean. I just need to color it in, with my colored pencils. Once i finish with that, i pull out my dreaded math homework. Were studying polar equations right now, and they make me so frustrated, i want to cry. trever, taylor, jere, and i have been working on them together, the last couple days. i wish they were here now to help.

Todays assignment, is to put the following equations in polar form, and theres ten of them to do. I sigh before trying, i know the formula has something to do with sin and cos, and the identities for x and y. Except for this assignment, we are suppose to create our own for x and y. Can they be just any 2 numbers? This is all so confusing. I need my tutor.

I pull out my phone, and call conrad.
"im finishing homework right now," he answers.

"are you almost done?" i ask sighing sadly.

"i suppose, why?" he questions.

"i need help. do you know the formula for polar equations?" i ask.

"Yeah, its x is equal to r squared cos squared curve and y is equal to r squared sin squared. Do you have identities/ numbers for x y, and what they equal to?" he asks.

"No thats the problem, we have to create our own. can we just use whatever numbers?" i ask hopeful, i hear him chuckle.

"Same old belly. Cant figure out her math homework" he teases.

"i take that as no" i groan.

"are you still at brown?" he asks, and i hear his book close.

"Yeah, im in the library" i reply

"stay there, im coming to help" he tells me.

"Youre the best connie baby" i reply, and i hear him blush. Conrad arrives 5 minutes later, and sits next to me. We spend the next thirty minutes on my homework, he checks it over, and approves it.

"You need help with any other homework?" he asks, i nod excitedly. I give him my essay to edit, and i ask about his thoughts on the room.

"The cat is my favorite" he says.

"let me see that paper, and a red pen, to make my corrections" conrad smirks, and i hand them over. I sit and wait til hes done.

"its a good paper over all, spelling revisions are circled. grammar is underlined. i made some suggestions for your conclusion, because its wordy and choppy" he tells me.

"i was trying to make the word count" i defend.

"i can tell" he smiles.

"I need to head back to my dorm. good luck, i love you, ill call later. have a safe drive" conrad tells me.

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