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I wake up, not at brown, and feel the guilt seep through me. i should be at school i tell myself. Bellys sleeping soundly beside me, i kiss her cheek before going downstaires. Jeres already awake having coffee."hey" i say

"good morning" he smiles.

The doorbell rings "wonder who that could be?" he asks. i sigh before opening the door, its taylor.

"Is belly ready? also what are you doing here? better question why is jeremiah here?" taylor rattles off in one breath.

"Bellys not going to school today, were all talking a mentle health day" i reply.

"Okay, why? ugh are you guys fighting again, because i will not put up with her being sad, about either of you not being in her lives again. First it was jere, then conrad, then jere again" taylor states exasperated.

"Were all fine. its jere and is dad, weve got some family stuff going on. im sure belly will tell you tomorrow" i say. I hear footsteps behind me.

"well dont you look lovely" taylor replies sarcastic. I look at belly whose about to cry.

"nice going taylor" i give her a look.

"its not cause of taylor" she says soft.

"alright fuck it, im playin hooky too" taylor says walking in.

"Bells! hey whats wrong? was it a dream about my mom?" jere asks trying to comfort.

She shakes her head no, she says nothing, but hands me her phone. Belly starts to cry, taylor hugs her, jere puts a hand on her shoulder. I read whats on the screen.

Adam- you know whats dawned on me belly. its that i get blamed for ruining my family all the time. But you you dont ever get blamed for ruining my boys brotherhood. They would be so much better off without you coming in and messing everything up. YOURE the reason they fight so much you shouldeve left them alone theyd still be close as ever if it werent for you. Everybody thinks youre little miss princess but i see right through your act i know your games and im tired of them and you. Dont come back to cousins thats FISHER family house and youre not welcome there anymore-adam".

My whole body trembles with anger, and i almost crunch the phone in my hand "con whats up?" jeremiah asks.

"im gonna kill him. Im actually going to kill him." I reply, and throw the phone to jeremiah.

"hes right, everything he said is right, i did ruin things" belly sobs.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?!" jeremiah asks. taylors eyes go wide, as she peers over jeres shoulder, to read the message. Belly starts shaking, i shove all my anger aside. i need to be strong, and here for belly. I pull her into me, and rock us back and forth, i put my head on her neck.

"Dont believe him" i whisper.

"You didnt ruin anything, you made things better. Jere and i always work through shit. You didnt ruin that, our stupid pride, and child trauma did. Jeremiah and i are still close, dont ever think for a second youre not welcome in cousins. you are family, you are going to keep that cousins magic alive like mom. I love you belly, jeremiah loves you, taylor loves you, susannah loved you so much. We dont blame you ever, just breathe and be here with me" i say softly, but firmly.

"Yeah belly hes right, youre magic and adam will never be welcome at cousins. i will be pressing charges against him for what he did to me" jeremiah tells her.

"Im gonna take belly upstaires, and calm her down. why dont you and taylor chat for a few minutes? fill her in" i smirk, and whisper to jere. I pick belly up, and take her upstaires to her room.

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