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Its saturday febuary 24th, my dads been in rehab for a bit over a month. The rehab center called me, saying my dad could have visitors, and is begging for belly and i. He says he wants to apologize to us, at first i wanted to be like no fuck you, but underneath that i have hope he changed. Maybe rehabs done him some good, i asked belly if shed go with me and she said yes. We called laurel whose in grand rapids north dakota, she forbade belly from going. She knows theres seldom she can really do here.

We called conrad afterwards, and he had a similar reaction, but instead of i forbid it. It was a sigh, followed by you guys can make your own choices, if you wanna see dad you can. If belly wants to go she can go, but youd better watch out for her. Like id ever let anything happen to my best friend, it was me who got jeremy to leave, that night she was nearly raped. Belly and i have a meeting at 1pm. its 11am now, so wed better get going, especially since we want lunch before hand.

"Bells you almost ready?" i call

"yeah coming down now!" she calls back, and she appears down the stairs. "You ready?" she asks

"yeah i mean im nervous, but im hopeful" i reply.

"Me too lets go" she pulls me out the door, and we hop into cherry. I just took her for a wash, so shes extra shiny. I let belly plug in her phone, and cant do better by kim petras comes on, we belt out the chorus and laugh. The snows gone finally. weve gotten some rain, its still cold though. itll likely be cold til april, when itll warm up a bit.

"What do you think is gonna happen today?" i ask

"one of two things, either were gonna go in, and hes gonna do what he said. Apologize and mean it, thats the key, and well maybe be able to reconcil a bit" she replies.

"thatd be nice" i sigh.

"or and the most likely case, he 'apologizes', but is still the same angry guy hes always been" belly says

"im hopefull too" she smiles. Thats one thing belly and i share. were both optimists, always looking for the good. Our partners, always expect the worst.

"You know con said he called him too, con hung up as soon as he noticed who was calling" i tell her.

"Yeah he mentioned that, i dont think hell ever get to a point where he could forgive adam. Adam hit conrad where it hurts him most" belly states.

"Yeah i know, i just wish hed consider it sometimes you know, like he is our only living parent" i rant.

"I wish that too" belly agrees, we stop at 7-11 to get lunch, and most important cherry cola slurpees.

"Now that we got our road juice lets play i spy" i say.

"i spy with my little eye something orange" she states and i look around. The leaves on the trees are orange, theres an orange sticker on the car infront of us. Theres also an orange on the license plate on the car to the right of us.

"hmmm the cat sticker" i guess.

"Howd you know?" she states excited.

"twin telepathy" i reply and we both laugh. The rest of the drive goes by pretty fast, we sing and play more games, and now weve just pulled into the facility.

We grab our drinks and head inside. belly and i link our pinkys together as we walk. I walk up to the front desk guy smiling. "hi were here to see adam fisher, im his son jeremiah fisher, and this is belly conklin. we should be on the list" i say.

"Yes you both are, well give you a quick security scan, and here are your badges" he tells us.

"Follow me" the desk clerk says once weve finished the scans. We get taken back to a room that somewhat resembles a living room. My dads dressed in normal clothes.

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