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its wednesday, belly and i have hardly talked still, even though i know shes at campus in the mornings. Ive mainly let go of all of it, and im ready to fully forgive her. i trust that she wont do it again. Her naivety is both attractive, and annoying. Its lunch time daniel, tyler, corey, this guy jarrod, and i are all in the library picking up a book we all need for biochem.

"So conrad you finally gonna hang out with us on weekends, now that your girl comes here?" tyler asks me

"she dosent fully go here yet, but maybe ill stay back this weekend" i reply.

"Fishers got a girlfriend" jarrod states

"you havent hung out enough with him, to hear him go on about isabel" daniel, corey, and tyler say her name at the same time.

"Oh isabel, youre just the best"

"thanks, connie" tyler and corey imitate. i shoot them my are you done look.

"You know what make fun all you want, you 3 have struck out every time so far this year" i reply.

"Hes got a point there guys" tyler sighs.

We get the book, then we get our food, we head back to the library to eat.
"What did you do this weekend?" corey asks me

"belly jere and i went to cousins. we threw a party. played truth or shot. The next night we had a bonfire and belly and i went shopping. Some guy harrassed her, so i had to beat him up. i also got him grounded his life, cause i told his parents on him" i say.

"Damn fisher, you got the best stories" daniel states.

"Dont mess with con" tyler says.

"See i dont give a shit if people mess with me, but mess with my girlfriend, were gonna have issues" i reply.

They all laugh"we should all go to the football game on friday" jarrod suggests.

"you know what that does sound fun, maybe ill even bring belly, if you all promise to behave" i joke. i havent been to a game in so long. That game used to be my whole life, and now its barely even a footnote. We finish eating, and go our seperate ways. daniel and i head back to the dorm, since our classes are done for the day. were both early risers so our classes are from 8-12.

Daniel turns his blue tooth speaker on, and puts music on as background noise. I start with my calculus 2 assignment. About an hour later, theres a knock on the door.

"knock knock!" the excited voice beams.

"Thats a chicks voice, what chick is coming to our room?" daniel says wide eyed. He opens up the door.

"oh my god, you would not believe the day ive had", belly states sitting on my bed.

"Belly im kind of..." i trail off, and sigh.

"Okay so first off, i got lost this morning. and i mean so lost, i was in student housing. i dont even know how i got there, like my gps was so messed up!" she starts.

"Belly, daniel and i really need to..." i try again

"my day gets way worse conrad!" i give up, shut my book, and give her an attentive, but annoyed look.

"so after i finally make it to my class, somebodys in my seat. how rude of them to take my seat. That class goes good, i go to history, and everythings fine. i go to the library, cause i realize my dumbass dosent have a physcology book yet, and of course theyre on the top shelf. i almost sent a 911 call to you, but decided no i can do this myself. I jumped up to get it, and i succeded, but i also knocked the entire row of books down, and everyone saw so embarressing right?!" she says frustrated.

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