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Its october now, i cant believe how fast the month of september flew on buy for everyone. Class elections are on friday this week, its monday october 1st. Its been about two weeks since jeremiah came to live with us. Things have been going pretty well, we fight like siblings, but were also still best friends. This last weekend, steven finally came down for a visit. we went to the arcade, and to the teen club, taylor came with us. Conrad couldent drive over, he had to study for tests. steven met up with him for lunch on his way back to princeton though.

My moms in florida, promoting her book at the east coast book fair, its in miami this year. shell be back on wednesday this week. Taylor comes over almost every day, to study with jere and i. She helps him with english, and art. He helps her with physics and pre calc. I made a friend named trever, him and jere helped me make all my campaign posters, shayla and steven helped me write my speech. man i hope i win. The polls have me leading.

I also find out on friday, wheather or not i got accepted into browns running start program. Jeremiah will also find out which ones he got into. Slowly but surely, i think him and taylor are getting feelings for one another. They talk like real friends now, and she looks out for him as much as she does me. My master plan is coming together quite nicely. My last class just finished, trevors coming after school to finish working out the details for my campaign.

"Hey belly!" trevor waves to me, as i exit the building.

"hey, im parked out back" i say.

"How was your day?" i ask him.

"it was okay, i dont have a lot of homework which is nice, and my dad comes back from his buisness trip today" he replies.

"Thats exciting" i tell him.

"what about you? did you have another wild weekend?" he jokes as were driving.

"not too wild, but it was fun steven and shayla came for a visit. we went to the teen club, you should come with us next time" i offer.

"maybe i will, the weekly paper came out today, were still on top. But we gotta make sure we bring it home. im thinking, we hand out little boxes of jellys bellys, and start telling people vote for belly, with the delicious jelly bellys in your mouth" trevor tells me, and i laugh.

"i love that!" i say.

"ooo lets stop at target, they have those little boxes of jelly beans for halloween" i say

"yes and starbucks" he states, and i laugh. After our shopping trip to target, we go back to mine. its about 5 when we arrive. Jeremiahs just got back from cross country practice.

"hey belly, trever" he greets us.

"hey jere how was practice?" i ask

"good im tired and sweaty, i beat my time, i ran 400 meters in 25 seconds" he beams

"nice!" i say high fiving him.

"we got jelly belly bags to make. wanna help?" i ask

"sure, just let me shower" he smiles.

"So big day friday, have you told your boyfriend yet that your up for running start?" trevor asks.

"nope not yet, and i wont til i get in" i say.

"wont he be mad you kept this from him?" he questions.

"probably, but i did it so i wouldnt get hopes up, now shush and stuff" i reply and he laughs.

Were sorting them by colors, jeremiah comes, and sits down once hes dressed. "I have 2 papers, and 3 tests this week" jere grumbles

"thats rough, which subjects?" i ask.

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