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Today is july 4th bellys second favorite holiday. Laurel wanted to keep all the same traditions wed do while mom was here. Jeremiah got all the fireworks with steven yesterday. Belly and laurel went to the store to get the stuff for dinner and drinks. Last years 4th of july was horrible, we definitely didnt do mom justice last year at all. It was all still too fresh, but a year later most of us have healed. Jeremiah and i are just about to leave to get the clams for dinner.

"Belly have the guest room ready please, your father and victoria are coming again" laurel says.

Belly groans in frustration.

"connie i need to talk to you, before you and jere go" laurel looks at me. We go out the back

"adam was released early on good behavior he and i sat down. Belly and jere are right. he has changed, i mean hes still adam, but adam from 20 years ago. Hes tolerable " laurel tells me.

"laur tell me you didnt" i sigh

"hell be here too. Just be civil is all i as, you dont have to hash everything out. I need you to be strong today" she touches my cheek.

"Fine ill tolerate him" i sigh

"thats my connie" she smiles. Jeremiah and i head off to get the clams.

"so laurel told me something interesting" i say putting one in the bucket.

"whats that?" jeremiah asks.

"Dads coming he got released early" i say

"dads coming like for real, oh man this is great!" jeremiah says estatic. At least one of us will be happy to see him.

"check out this one its huge" jere holds it up. Him and belly are so similar in the fact they still have a childish sense of wonder, her more so.

We head back to the house, i put my arm around his shoulders and then ruffle his hair.

"I love you brother, these last couple years weve been closer than ever" i tell him.

"I love you too con" he smiles. We start de pearling all the clams and washing them. Bellys finished setting up the guest room, my mind flashes to 4th of july 2 years ago. How drunk belly got, calling me a sea creature. She spilt all the secrets, and the cake. I was also pretty wasted that day.

Weird to think i was also with nicole, but i didnt want to be. i wanted belly. Now shes been mine for nearly 2 whole years.

"Did we invite any friends this year whose all coming?" i ask jeremiah.

"cleveland will be here, the core 6, plus nicole marcus brandon uhh gigi and shays friends marissa and claire. For the adults itll be laurel, dad, john, cleveland, victoria, and victorias bringing a friend too i believe" jere states.

"Okay, at least i like most of those people" i sigh.

We bring the clams inside, belly and laurel go out with the corn to husk it. Jeremiah and i wash our hands. we hear the doorbell ring, its john and victoria who is very obviously pregnant

"suprise" he says.

"Youre pregnant oh my god congrats!" jere exclaims hugging them both.

"Yeah this is awesome, belly will be so happy. she always wanted a sibling. can i help with the bags?" i ask smiling.

"Sure thanks con you take these, ill get the rest" john tells me and i head to the guest room.

"How far along are you?" i ask victoria "about 16 weeks, next week we find out the gender" she says excited.

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