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Belly wakes up with the worst hang over ive ever seen her have, she kept waking up cause she needed to puke. Its 10am now, and shes just come out of my room.

"My head is pounding" she grumbles

"i can imagine you had a lot to drink" laurel sighs getting her the pain meds.

"Um i got muffins, and coffee this morning" i tell her.

"Thank you connie" she kisses me quick

"of course" i say. She comes back with a poppyseed. she sits on my lap and we watch the tv together.

"Everybody else still asleep" she asks.

"yep" i reply.

"We have to talk you know" she sighs

"im aware, but your well being takes presedence" i say.

"I love you" she smiles

"i love you too, even though im hurt" i state. After shes done eating she showers and gets ready, drinks more water. i ask her if she wants to go to the beach. Were walking there now.

"why does everything always happen on the beach for us?" she chuckles.

"I dont know, its just our special spot" i smile at her.

"Um why dont you go first" she offers.

"Okay ill go first. It took me awhile to grasp the feelings i felt when you said jeremiah was taking you. I was taken back to two summers ago, and how hurt i was you chose him. I know i didnt communicate that back then, but i was. It crushed me you picked him, i got it back then though.... but now two years down the line. Of us being boyfriend and girlfriend, me having changed. It stung like a bitch and crushed my soul, you didnt even ask. It dosnt matter that the deb ball is something i dont like, that isent my scene. Its a romantic thing one does with someone they have feelings for. Not their best friend, i was too afraid to say it two years ago, but ill say it now. Jeremiah is not the right choice, i want to take you not because my mom asked me or some other reason other than i love you. Besides we kicked ass on the vollyball circuit. You and me were a well oiled team, and i wouldve especially said yes because you were doing it to honor my mom. Maybe id like to honor her too" i vent.

"Why couldnt you say all that like 2 years ago?" she jokes

"i was stupid, and didnt know how to communicate, but ive learned to since then" i reply.

"You really wanna take me?" she looks at me.

"yes i do, and i promise to go to all the stupid tea parties, events, and act like i wanna be there" i tell her and she laughs.

"Then id love it if youd escort me" belly says.

"Weve gotten really good at this you and me, im sorry for not asking you first, for not telling you i wanted to do it" she looks at me.

"Its okay, i forgive you" i say she puts her hands on my face.

"i love it when you do that" i whisper. I kiss her hands and she giggles. i gaze into her eyes

"wish this was a private beach" i say. She laughs and hits me.

"youre crazy!" she says

"only about you" i tell her and she kisses me, i kiss her back. My mind flashes to our first kiss on the beach, the morning after the deb ball.

"Thank you by the way for last night, i know i was trashed" she says.

"Dont mention it, i was worried about you did you have fun before cam found you" i ask.

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