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Its friday march 2nd, and im really excited to go to cousins this weekend. ive really missed it. Its been 2 days since i last saw conrad, hes been choosing to work in the library on all his projects and homework. Ive got the design for prom all ready, im thinking we turn the ceiling of whatever building were in to the night sky. We get tiny lights for stars, and make some of the constillations. A big moon, instead of a disco ball hanging down in the middle. The lights will be dim, and dress code is black and white only.

For the picture booth, im thinking the tail end of a sunset, as the days going into the night so to say. Im thinking about choosing a hotel for the location, because its prom and a lot of people may end up heading upstairs. Theres a lot of really nice hotels in boston. I didnt have running start today either, for some weird reason. Im in my final class of the day, our assignment for the week is to paint the thing that means the most to us. I thought about painting a group shot of the summer kids or my mom.

When i thought about it more the answer was so obvious its conrad, of course it is. Im gonna save it, and give it to him for his birthday in april. I also know the potriats sussanah did before she died got destroyed in adams rampage. He cried like a baby, seeing those on the ground. Conrads waiting for me with flowers in his hands, i love that he always shows up with flowers.

"Hi for you" he hands them over. we get into the rover, and he starts driving.

I get confused when he goes on the freeway towards cousins"i need to go home and pack" i state

"already done i got here early, so i packed for you" he smiles.

"How thoughtful of you" i say.

"i also already stopped at the store, and got you these" he gets a bag from under his feet. he plops it down on my lap.

"My road trip snacks, and hot chocolate in a bottle" i exclaim. I kiss his cheek."how are you feeling?" i ask

"um i dont really know, im nervous anxious, curious, maybe angry" he replies.

"Cindys really nice" i say. unlike jeremiah and is drive, we dont talk the rest of the way.
"Were here" i say happy

"i know i need like 5 minutes to mentally prepare myself" conrad sighs. After ten minutes he says hes ready, but i can tell hes nervous. We go inside and i talk to the front desk.

"ah yes right on time, cindy should be here any minute" the front desk lady states. After a minute, i see cindy. i give her a wave

"belly hey good to see you again, and you must be conrad" cindy says excited, and conrad waves.

We go into her office and sit down.
"thank you for argeeing to meet with me, i hope i can provide some insights" cindy smiles. Conrads knees are bouncing up and down.

"are you okay?" she asks

"yeah no, im fine" conrad lies.

"You can trust me, i want to help you, and i want to help adam" cindy replies calm.

"Im not good at trusting people, especially ones i dont know" conrad tells her.

"Why do you think that is?" she asks

"my dad" conrad replies.

"why dont you elaborate on that just a little, or however much youre comfortable?" cindy smiles.

I feel conrad relax a little."my dad was my hero growing up. I wanted to be just like him, and i wanted to do whatever made him happy and proud of me. I think ive always been shy, more introverted, allusive. It got worse, when i found out about my dads affair" conrad starts.

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