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Belly and i have been here in los angelos for 3 days now, and weve already done so much. Laurel took us to the los angelos museum of art. we went to disneyland for a couple days, which was really fun and the rides werent too scary. Today belly really wants to see the hollywood walk of fame, the hollywood sign, and i want to go to the beach. Its about 8am in the morning, well probably do all that stuff after laurels book signing event. Shes going to be at the los angelos public library today.

Ive just woken belly up, whose in the shower, were meeting laurel for breakfast soon. Id love to get my surf on, i havnt been able to surf properly since august of last year. Bellys wearing a plain white crop top, with a v neck a bit low. Its got strings tied in a bow in the chest area. Shes wearing matching white mini denim shorts with little flowers on it. Her hairs in its signiture pony tail, god shes so effortlessly beautiful. I wish she had her glasses still, theyd complete the look. i miss her glasses.

"You hate it, dont you" she says looking at herself in the mirror.

"i look nothing like those other college girls" she mumbles. Is she serious? does she still not know her own beauty?

"i never said i hated it, i havnt said anything. Like always you render me speechless with how pretty you are" i hug her from behind and kiss her shoulder.

"Thank you" she smiles.

"dont bend over today" i sigh kissing her cheek. She giggles and we go downstaires to meet laurel, its nearly 8 30 when we get down there.

Shes sitting at a table waiting for us.

"good morning you two susannah would love your outfit bean. She always loved you in white" laurel touches her cheek.

"Well the feelings mutual, i always loved her in white. she looked like an angel" belly smiles. After breakfast we drive over to the library, it takes us 45 minutes even though maps said its take 20. Traffic here is crazy.

"wheres cleveland?" i ask

"he is visiting family right now, his aunt had a heart attack" She explains.

"oh no is she gonna be okay?" belly says sad.

"Yeah i think so shes talking, and is expected to make a full recovery" laurel says.

"connie be a dear, grab the table and set it up" she orders.

"of course" i say getting the table from the car. I set it up while belly gets the camera.

"can i take the photos again? I really loved seeing their ractions to them" belly asks laurel.

"sure bean"

"yess" belly cheers. After i set up all the books on the table, i help laurel put the signs up.

"weve got 15 minutes til 11am, when the people come" laurel says nervous.

Im blown away by the amount of people who come through the doors at 11am. Im equally blown away at how many of the of the young girls can tell who i am, but inform me a portion of the book was laurel and my mom talking about belly and i. Im flattered, annoyed, and surprised at how many phone numbers have gotten left in front of me. Its been about an hour now, and the crowds died down some. The best part is the glares belly gives to all the teens.

"Well arent you mr popular" laurel teases me.

I laugh belly dosent, shes not amused i can tell. bellys about to say something, but then a fan comes. Her best friend died of cancer leaving her 4 children behind without a mother. Laurels book was the key to her coping through it. Im so touched hearing all this, the next herd of people are all heart warming tales of lost love and friendship. Weve got about 30 minutes left and laurels nearly out of books.

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