2- Girlfriend?

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---- 7:31 PM ----

Robin listened to every word, seeing a lot of herself in the small boy. She knew he was... different like her, one who found it difficult to find friends, to keep them. They sat together on the couch, devouring pizza and fries, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm ambience into the room, yet neither paid mind to it as Will found solace confiding in the blue-eyed girl.

He explained every little detail: from the underwhelming party to the couples' skate and the fact everyone left early, allowing loneliness to consume him. He didn't know why he was telling Robin out of all people, a girl he has said maybe around four words to before this point, but from what he's seen, and heard from Dustin and Lucas she seemed like the right person.

"The day didn't go how I thought it would, I mean, I thought maybe for my 16th birthday Mike would at least be there for the whole thing." he paused for a second with a sigh, "Maybe I'm being dramatic."

Robin furrowed her brows, turning to him with a stern expression, "Your feelings are valid. You're not being dramatic." she said firmly, her voice carrying a note of seriousness, "Birthdays... can be tough, especially at this age and everything seems like life or death but... your feelings are real and valid."

The brunette let out a sigh of relief, touched by her empathy, "I know, it's just like they all forgot about me," he admitted, his voice quivering slightly, "I guess they're just waiting for me to get a girlfriend or something," he shook his head, dismissively taking a sip of his soda.

"Is that what you want?" she asked

"What?" Will furrowed his brows.

"A girlfriend?" The blue-eyed girl repeated.

"No..." He admitted, his voice sounding guilty despite doing nothing wrong; boys his age jump at the chance to get girlfriends and have their first kiss, but not him... he wanted a guy, "They keep pushing me to get one but it's just... not for me."

Robin understood, her eyes gleaming, realising there was more to this than meets the eye. She didn't want to pry, but she wanted to make him feel as though he wasn't alone in the way he felt, that he wasn't a mistake for his feelings and that she understood how he felt, "I mean, it's important to follow your heart to find the right person," she replied with a warm smile.

"That's what I'm always saying!" Will excitedly shuffled in his seat, happy someone felt the same as he did, "Mike thinks that every guy needs a girlfriend the moment they turn 13." he mocked, attempting to copy the ravenette's voice as he chuckled.

The blue-eyed girl laughed at the statement, but her curiosity got the better of her and she gently inquired, "So... is there anyone you do like?"

Will's cheeks flushed a shade of pink as he nodded bashfully. Wanting to describe the person who captured his heart, yet carefully avoiding using any gender specific pronouns,

"There's one person... they have an amazing smile," the brunette began, a dreamy look in his eyes, "And they have like such warm eyes and messy black hair, it's all just... unique, you know?" he smiled happily, painting a vivid picture of Mike before them without letting slip any crucial details, "They also care for me so much... well used to." he whispered the last part.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now