13- Zoomer

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—— Next day: Friday 3:34 PM ——

As the rest of the school rejoiced for the weekend, Mike was stressed; probably more than he ever had been; he had to arrange a party with almost no supplies and no clue how to plan; did he even know what Will liked?

Clowns? Magicians? D&D? 

Ohh D&D is a good one! The ravenette scrawled his ideas in his phone's 'Notes' app: where the most important of information goes.

He sat on the benches outside of the school, waiting for the rest of the Party to show up, his music class was nearest to the back entrance, so it was easy to bypass the rest of the students. His bike remained under one arm, using the other to type.

He still hadn't asked Max about helping; he didn't know how to bring it up. In the group, they were the ones that usually butted heads the most; they just had differing opinions and hated being wrong.

He sucked it up, he needed to do this; for Will; for his best friend! With a sigh, he saw some of his friends.

Will stood between Max and El; almost as if they were his bodyguards; it made him chuckle, but he knew what he had to do next. Taking a deep breath, he got up from his seat walking over to them, placing a fake smile on his face; was it obvious it was crooked?

"Hey guys!" Mike announced standing awkwardly to one side, his bike travelling beside him. Why is he so nervous? It was just a party for his best friend? It's not like he was doing anything wrong!

El and Will waved, lost in conversation; discussing something about Art class and Jennifer Hayes; she always seemed to come up in El's conversations. Mike knew who she was, she was in Will's art classes but apparently, she had gotten closer to El since they started sitting next to each other.

But this was a perfect chance, he could use this opportunity to talk to Max one-on-one. Mustering his courage, he tapped her on the shoulder, waiting for her to unlock her bike; she loved skating, but it was more practical to bike for school travel.

Max furrowed her brows, squinting her eyes; why was Mike talking to her? But nonetheless, she replied, "Hi?" A little confused, continuing to unlock her bike without much thought.

Mike immediately got to the point, not beating around the bush, "Okay so I need your help!"

"No!" The redhead sighed, not even giving the chance to let him explain.

"You haven't even heard what I'm about to say!" the tall boy argued.

"I'm not helping you in whatever fight you're in with El, nor do I care about it!" She rolled her eyes; the only time the ravenette needed Max's help was when dealing with El.

"I'm... not in a fight with El." Mike admitted, pausing awkwardly, "I need help organising a party!"

"Okay... who's birthday is it?" she furrowed her brows

"Will's" The tall boy answered.

"That was last week asshat!" Max deadpanned.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now