28- Flannel, Flannel, Flannel

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---- 11:59 AM ----

The brunette had awoken late, his groggy eyes opening to reveal an empty space beside him; Mike was no longer there. Will started to panic; was yesterday just an illusion? Something made up by his pure mental state due to his rollercoaster of emotions?

He wanted to shout, that wasn't fair; just when he thought everything would be fine, it turned out to be some stupid dream. He sat up in shock, but realising there was a note on his nightstand. His brows knit, picking the note up, muttering every word under his breath.

Hey, Will the Wise, Sorry I had to leave early; I was going to wake you up, but you just looked so cute I couldn't. There's just something I had to do before we meet up and of course I have to look my best for our date.

I hope you're excited as I am, be ready because I'll be picking you up at 1:30 pm

Paladin- (Mike)

The brunette reread the note, so... everything that happened yesterday was true? It wasn't all some cruel dream that would get split from him when he awoke. He gleamed, his smile never ending as the realisation dawned on him; he... had a date! His first date!

He felt nauseous but in a good way; what does one do on a date? Where are they going? What should he wear? Is this a casual date? Or something fancy? Would Mike be annoyed if Will wore the wrong outfit? What do they even talk about?

Will felt on edge overthinking to himself. He slowed his breathing; his panicked state would do no good for him right now; how could he go on a date with Mike if he was hyperventilating the whole time? 

First clothes! He decided it was best to get the most difficult thing out the way, so he doesn't stress himself out later. He walked over to his closet still in his pyjamas, opening both doors before him.

He scanned his clothes, mumbling to himself, not liking any of the choices before him. He winced in disgust as he shuffled clothes around, trying to find ones that weren't too obvious he dressed fancy, but showed he put the effort in. He didn't want to turn up in a suit; he didn't want to scare Mike away on the first date. His closet merely consisted of shirts, jumpers and the occasional t-shirt.

He grew more frantic, pulling clothes out his closet, throwing them onto the bed and all around the room, not deeming them good enough, "Flannel! Flannel! Flannel! Why do I own so many flannels!" He exclaimed, a little angry at himself for not having anything that was 'date-worthy'. He grumbled to himself after each shirt, not knowing which would be the best to wear despite being his everyday clothes, they started to look ugly to him when looked in this new lens; they all looked too casual. He just...didn't know what to do!

Pulling out a box from under his bed, he whined when nothing of use to him currently was inside. He groaned, throwing the box back where he found it.

The commotion seemed to attract his mother who knocked on the door concerned, "Honey? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is just fine!" He said a tad agitated.

"Can I come in?" she questioned.

"Yeah," Will replied as the door opened revealing Joyce, her motherly smile dropping to utter confusion upon seeing the absolute chaos her son's room was in; clothes thrown in every direction, books knocked over in the process; a shirt even dangling from the ceiling light.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now