5- Corrupted

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---- 6:02 PM ----

"Okay we need to set some ground rules!" Robin announced, sitting on the edge of the brunette's bed; they were home alone. Hopper and Joyce were out at work while Johnathan was with Nancy and El was obviously with the party in Mike's basement.

After getting home from the arcade, the pair just went to the brunette's house, no thoughts in mind of what to do; they didn't think that far but decided just to chill at the small boy's house.

They knew if anyone were home, they would have had to whisper. Hopper demanded the door be open at least 3-inches whenever a member of the opposite gender was in the room. Will chuckled; he liked men, so the rules 'technically' didn't apply to him... if anyone ever liked him.

The small boy nodded his head, his expression serious, "Agreed. Let's set some ground rules; we were kinda all over the place!"

The blue-eyed girl pulled out her phone, switching to the Notes app, ready to jot down their agreed-upon rules, "Okay, so no PDA."

"Like none at all?" Will tilted his head

"No," Robin repeated her point, expressing herself clearly. "I meant more like romantic contact, like kissing and stuff!"

"Oh, ew, okay!" the brunette finally understood what she meant, considering comfort zones, "Handholding is safe, right?" He asked, scanning her face for conformation.

Robin smiled, finding the situation somewhat amusing, making this fake-dating shtick seem more like a business deal, "Handholding is fine. How about hugs?" she said, adding yet another bullet point to her list,

"Oh sure, but obviously nothing too intimate like cuddling." he scrunched his face in return.

Both made mental notes of their physical boundaries, ensuring they were on the same page; discussing further on the aspect of their 'relationship', it needed to be believable. But then, Robin brought up another crucial point, running a hand through her wavy hair, "What about a code word? Like if things are going too far."

"Good idea!" he replied, his eyes shining impressed.

"I always have the best ideas obviously." She smiled, almost seeming proud of herself.

"Obviously, obviously" Will repeated in a snarky response, "Anyways what should the code be?"

The blue-eyed girl shrugged her shoulders, "Verbal, or non-verbal?" she questioned.

"Verbal! It'll be easier to notice that way!" The small boy replied

The girl rolled her eyes, appreciating the simplicity, "Maybe like something we could casually slip into conversation?"

"How about I start singing?" Will suggested.

"How... how is that casual?" Robin asked in genuine disbelief.

"Umm... I have a beautiful singing voice." Will admitted, almost as if he wasn't confident in what he was saying,

"I'm sure you do bud..." The blue-eyed girl reached a hand out, patting his shoulder, "But I think we should try something else."

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now