16- Friendly Competition

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Mike attempted to calm himself after the intimate moment he had with the brunette, he didn't know why he was blushing so hard. 

In the past he wandered if Will was straight. Yet now that he has Robin, it was definitely confirmed; He knocked the thought out his mind, he had more things to worry about, the brunette was before him with a bright grin plastered on his face; it was clear he was genuinely amazed by the sight; to Mike, it didn't matter if he spent his months allowance on this costume; it was worth it; worth it to see his best friend's smile. Because that's all they were; friends and nothing more because he had to once again reiterate, he was not gay: it was just the redhead getting all into his head the other day; damn Max.

The tall boy didn't even realise he was still holding onto Will; at least he wasn't still propelled into the air. He cleared his throat, gently releasing his arm, takin a step back.

"This is actually an amazing costume; like it's so good, you look like a real Demogorgon!" Will chirped with delight.

"You've said!" The ravenette replying with a grin, taking the mask off fully, placing it under his arm.

"We never had these types of costumes when we were young!" The brunette playfully pouted, "We were robbed!" He chuckled, touching the costume, feeling it's material and examining it's every intricate detail.

Mike was unsure whether he was warm because of the suit or from the brunette's touches and prolonged staring; Dustin, Suzie and Lucas had done the same when Mike first put on the suit, so why was he feeling so overheated when Will was doing the same? Probably the nerves.

Mike, still a bit flustered from the close proximity, quickly retrieved Will's gift from the side of the couch, providing a much-needed distraction. He held the bag out to him; a bashful smile on his face as he handed it over. "Umm... so I, uh, got you something too." Mike smiled.

"What? No, no, no," the brunette waved his hands around, "You already got me something last week!"

"Well, this is much better, trust me!" the tall boy winked playfully.

Hesitantly, Will accepted the bag, it was large and the brunette worried of what may be inside. He unwrapped the gift taking it out the bag, revealing the high-quality art supplies he had been eyeing for weeks, his heart swelling with gratitude and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness.

"Woah, Mike... this is incredible!" the brunette said in awe.

"Well, I hoped you'd like it; I know you like art and I thought this would help!" Mike said nonchalantly.

Will chuckled, smiling bright; this whole party was amazing, and he couldn't believe the sincerity that went into everything, "Thank you, like so much, for all of this!" he motioned around.

Without thinking, Will jumped, lunging forwards, wrapping both arms around Mike in a tight hug in a moment of pure glee. The ravenette's face turned a deep shade of red, unable to function or return the embrace, almost stumbling on his own feet of the costume. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity to the tall boy, the brunette let go; still beaming with excitement taking a few steps back.

Max, sensing Mike's distress even through layers of suit, spoke up, "Anyways Will, we wanted to show you the castle! Dustin made it all by himself!"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now