7- Zoning Out

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After what he just witnessed, the ravenette secured his seat in the cafeteria, lunch tray in hand as he settled beside his friends. Dustin, Lucas, Max, El and Suzie chatted amongst one another lost in conversation. He sat beside Dustin, opposite El with a small unbothered expression on his face. The cafeteria was bustling with people as the Party greeted him, noting his mood but not mentioning it; it was standard, he's been in a bad mood recently.

"Hey Wheeler!" Max was the first to greet him, moving her red hair out of her face while she ate,

"We thought you were skipping again!" Lucas suggested.

"Or in D&D with Eddie." Dustin added, taking a bite of his food.

"Nope! Nope!" The tall boy dismissed, "Just using the bathroom." he lied, not wanting to tell the rest of the group what he saw from Troy and James, he knew how they get when that happens.

Mike managed a half-hearted smile, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Will and Robin; hearing the click of his tray hit the table.

He settled in his seat, poking around peas on his tray as El animatedly spoke before him; he always found that side of her endearing, she always knew how to brighten his mood whenever he was feeling weird. She chatted with him about her art class and the quirky antics of her friend, Jennifer.

"You won't believe what Jen did today in class!" the doe-eyed girl paused for a second, taking a sip of her grape juice, "She spilled paint all over her canvas and it actually turned into an abstract masterpiece."

The ravenette laughed, feeling enthusiastic as his girlfriend retold stories and engaged in light-hearted banter.

El then turned her attention to Max and Suzie, planning a 'girls trip' as Dustin and Lucas spoke about the D&D meet this Thursday; they tried to engage Mike into the conversation but the ravenette's eyes drifted, his mood souring upon seeing Robin and Will stumble into the cafeteria, their laughter and playful remarks turning heads. It was as if they were surrounded by a flirtatious energy; it had been two days and Mike was tired of seeing them.

Approaching the table, the group greeted the pair, "Oh hey Robin! Nice to see you again." Suzie waved seeing the blue-eyed girl wave in return,

"Yeah, sit down with us" El added, patting the seat beside her.

"I wish I could stay, but I have band practice." the blue-eyed girl pouted, only seeming half-apologetic.

"Oh, maybe next time!" Max added

"Aww too bad," Mike muttered sarcastically, but silently loving the idea of her not being here.

Robin then turned to Will in a teasing smile, "I will see you, later!" she winked, poking a finger into his chest.

The small boy blushed from embarrassment, he exclaimed, "I miss you already!"

Mike narrowed his eyes as he observed the exchange; the teasing, the goofy smiles, the incoherent flirting. It all felt like some sort of language he was excluded from; it's not like he wanted to be the one flirting with Will, he just... didn't like being ignored.

"Get a room." the ravenette muttered under his breath, his words barely audible as he poked his fork into his fries; his frustration was undeniable. He watched Robin give Will a flying kiss before turning to leave for her band practice. It was a simple gesture, but stung Mike for some weird reason.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now