33- Truth

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---- 8:12 AM ----

After dragging Mike to the corner of the school, Will began to speak, rambling about the 'relationship' between him and Robin; only leaving out details about Robin's sexuality and why she agreed to do it in the first place. All Will said was that Robin could tell how Will was struggling and said she would help, because she wanted to protect him.

Mike was obviously confused, blinking at all the information he just processed, he cleared his throat, "I can't believe you and Robin were fake dating this whole time and you never told me; we're supposed to be close... I- I wouldn't have judged you."

"I know this all seems so crazy and insane, but please just try to understand." Will begged.

"Understand what exactly?" Mike retorted; a tad angry. "You kept this from me and made me feel guilty for hating you and her together."

"Well, how do you think I felt?" the brunette argued, "Watching everyone else fall in love but me? You, Dustin, Lucas, even my mum and Jonathan got into relationships! And... I just have to stand there because I knew it was something I could never have; so, I did what I had to because I didn't want to feel like a waste."

"You're not a waste." Mike's voice softened, grabbing Will's hand.

"I am... I am." Will whispered, closing his eyes; he had taken what Troy had told him to heart; he just wasn't good enough. Not for anyone; he knew he shouldn't let this get to him but... hearing it come from someone else confirmed his feelings,

Immediately, the ravenette pulled Will into a tight hug. "You are not a waste." Mike repeated in a whisper, "I can't even imagine how you must have felt; I'm sorry I didn't understand... please don't be hard on yourself. You're not alone anymore, and you're definitely not unloved."

Mike continued his speech, "I should have been there for you, especially when you needed me the most. I'm sorry for making you feel so alone. You've been through so much... but you don't have to carry it all alone anymore. We're in this together, no matter what, okay?"

Resting his head against Mike's chest, the brunette nodded slightly; hoping it was the truth. But the voice in the back of his head loomed over him, calling him 'stupid', 'selfish', 'an inconvenience', 'a freak'; they mounted on him, but he wouldn't tell Mike.

And Mike despite having a confirmation from Will knew that this healing would take time; he had known Will longer than anyone else and could immediately tell the brunette was hurting on the inside. He just held Will closer, hoping their shared embrace might begin to mend the wounds of Will's own insecurities.

As they clung to each other on the side of the school, a new presence approached, Max's voice rang out, "Hey guys, El said you were-" she paused covering her mouth; beside her standing Lucas with Suzie and Dustin close behind. The redhead paused holding her arms out to stop the others from getting close.

Mike flipped his head around to see them, the Party's eyes widen upon seeing the intense hug between Mike and Will. Max was standing in front of the Party, exchanging a look with Mike who conveyed a simple message, 'Not now!' The redhead immediately understood this at a glance, nodding in understanding and gesturing to the others, silently indicating they should leave the pair to have some privacy.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now