24- The Cookie Crumbles

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Meanwhile, still in the food-court, the rest of the Party sat in the thick silence that enveloped them. Their expressions mixed shock and confusion, unable to help but discuss the elephant in the room; the break up that just unfolded before their very eyes. To them, it seemed like a genuine break up, and they were at a loss for how to react.

Lucas broke the void, "Okay... so that was something."

"Something?" Dustin quipped in a sarcastic tone, "They were going at it!"

"What do we do now?" Suzie questioned, still in shock from the situation,

"What can we do?" Max crossed her arms, being the most decisive one, added, "We can't force them to make up or anything, I think what they need is time apart."

"But I'm still so confused that they were fighting though! El did they ever say anything about them having problems?" Lucas asked concerned.

The group turned to face the doe-eyed girl who had been quietly listening to the conversation this whole time; of course, she knew that this whole relationship was fake, but she didn't want to tell them, nor did she really understand what unfolded before her. Her gaze was intent as she cleared her throat, trying her best to be as shocked as they were, "Oh, no, nothing... maybe it's just teenage drama stuff, you know?" she lied believably.

"Yeah, maybe," Dustin replied quickly.

Mike, despite all the chaos around him, remained unusually silent; it was weird for him, usually he was always the loudest one in the room. Yet, on the inside, Mike couldn't help but feel a sense of... overwhelming joy now that Will was single. His emotions were in turmoil, and he wrestled with the complex feelings he had for his best friend; deep down, he believed the break up was genuine, and it left him both hopeful and bewildered... maybe all his wishing came true.

Lucas, noticing Mike's lack of reaction prodded, "Earth to Mike!" he said, waving a hand before his face, "You're awfully quiet, what's on your mind?"

Mike snapped back to the present, trying to mask his feelings, "Oh, it's just... it was all so unexpected; it took me by surprise; I'm super bummed for Will." he said with a fake pout.

The redhead rolled her eyes, trying her best not to call out his behaviour and make a joke at his expense, "Oh, must be such a bummer for you," she said, resisting a chuckle.

"Yeah... yeah," Mike whispered, albeit a little awkwardly.

"Maybe we should figure a way to get them to make up?" Suzie suggested the idea,

"Yeah!" Dustin added in support.

"One of us should go talk to Will, so he can make up with Robin." Lucas complimented the idea with his own point.

The suggestion hung in the air, not knowing who should be the one to go. In the silence Max caught a great idea, turning to Mike giving him a series of meaning full looks, mouthing to him from across the table. However, Mike stared right at her, his furrowed brow prominent as he was unable to catch on to Max's hints and utterly confused by this non-verbal communication.

Seeing that Mike wasn't picking up on her signals, Max let out a frustrated sigh, facepalming, "Oh for fucks sake!" she mumbled under her breath, "Mike!" she said a little more direct, "I think you should be the one to go... considering he is your best friend after all!"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now